feeling of broken heart

feeling of broken heart

- nobody's gonna believe it though, right? i mean, when somebody saysit's mutual, i'm like, "it's never really mutual." - isn't it, though? - isn't it what? mutual? - yeah. - when's your flight, again? it's the only thing we can do.

- well, we can wait likea month or two and then just reconsider.- no. i've done long distance before. it made us hate each other. i don't want us to hate each other. maybe i'll visit in august. - oh, that would be amazing! - on the other hand, maybe it'll be easier ifwe don't see each other.

- this job better be awesome - you made the right choice. (cell phone vibrates) - hello. yes, this is michael. oh. well, i'm thrilled to hear that. no, no, i'm not in town right now, but i will start making plansat the end of the semester.

i'm looking forward to it. - congratulations. - i am not gonna miss thepee pee sheets though. - shut up. it's a mattress cover. stop.- what it is this? - you're making it worse. - aw, it's cute. - no, it's embarrassing.

♫ come on back here ♫ won't ya ♫ i know that you are full of doubt ♫ i'm pretty sure thatwe can sort it out ♫ maybe i should i get anew one i have to bring in some new guy home. - why would you say that? - i'm sorry. that was...

- it's okay. - thank you.- thank you. i got it.- no. come on. let me get this.- nope. tradition. - ah, jeez. i left my wallet at home. - i got, i have, like, three bucks cash in my pocket.- how could you?

- i'm so sorry. i'm such an idiot. please. i'm a modern day woman. i could treat a dude on a date. it's a good way to seeif men are uncomfortable with strong women, actually. - i am not looking forward to dating. - ugh. dating's the worst. - all you have to do is followcandice to a party again.

- hi! - hi. - i'm supposed to distractyou while they flirt. - oh, okay. are you actually supposed to distract me, or is this just a pickup line? i'm very confused. - no, i'm, i'm supposed to distract you. fair enough.- but i did just hear

the worst pickup line,if you're interested. - i apologize. yes, iwould love to hear this. - here goes. excuse me. that is your color. - gray? - gray. it's ridiculous.- okay. sure. i mean, like, it looks gray. no, but it's more of, like, achartreause or, like, magenta.

that might be it.- a chartreu... - uber's here. - all right. (kiss sound) text me when you land. safe flight. honk. - did you just honk my nose? - honk.

- i love you. - i love you too. (relaxing guitar music) ♫ and i try to listen to my gut ♫ but i don't have much to say ♫ oh, tell me how doi sort this out anyway ♫ and it doesn't feel right like this ♫ and i start to try ♫ and i fear that i will miss

♫ oh, come on back here ♫ but i'm pretty sure ♫ that we can sort it out ♫ - it's just so sad what'shappening over there. - oh, yeah. mm-hmm. (drum music) you don't know the half of it. (smooth instrumental music)


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