
my heart is broken

unbreak my heart. say youlove me again. un... oh, hey, guys. don'tmind my singing. i'm alex. thanks for clicking, and welcome tothis lesson on "talking about broken hearts". so, many of us have had our hearts broken,whether because of a relationship, or because you received some bad news, or maybe you reallylove a sports team and they lost, and they broke your heart. so, today, we are going totalk about broken hearts and the different ways we can use the term "heart" and the verb"break" in different context, different situations, different grammaticalstructures. so, first of all, again, the most common situation,if someone breaks up with you, ends a relationship with you, if you want to be very dramatic,you could say: "she (or he) broke my heart!" all right? in the past tense. "she broke myheart!", "he broke my heart!" now, again, this... because it's a verb, "break", you canuse it in any tense you w

my heart is broken what should i do

unbreak my heart. say youlove me again. un... oh, hey, guys. don'tmind my singing. i'm alex. thanks for clicking, and welcome tothis lesson on "talking about broken hearts". so, many of us have had our hearts broken,whether because of a relationship, or because you received some bad news, or maybe you reallylove a sports team and they lost, and they broke your heart. so, today, we are going totalk about broken hearts and the different ways we can use the term "heart" and the verb"break" in different context, different situations, different grammaticalstructures. so, first of all, again, the most common situation,if someone breaks up with you, ends a relationship with you, if you want to be very dramatic,you could say: "she (or he) broke my heart!" all right? in the past tense. "she broke myheart!", "he broke my heart!" now, again, this... because it's a verb, "break", you canuse it in any tense you w

my heart is broken what do i do

from literature to plays and movies throughout the world, humanity's fascination with love is just as strong as our obsession with heartbreak. but, is a broken heart simply an abstract concept, or are there real physical affects on the body and the brain? whenever you endure physical pain, such as a cut or injury, the anterior cingulate cortex is stimulated. surprisingly, it's the same region of the brain that's activated when you feel excluded or experience the loss of a social relationship. perhaps physical pain and emotional pain aren't as different as we once thought. think about the ways in which we describe lost love. "he ripped my heart out", "it was a slap in the face", "i'm emotionally scarred." this use of physical description paints a clear relationship, at least in language, between emotional and physical pain. in fact, studies have shown that human beings would rather be physically hurt than feel social exclusion. but

my heart broken

- i loved him. maybe it wasn't like perfect and romantic the way that, like, ihad dreamed about it, but i loved him and i, like, just wanted that to be enough so badly. - the museum of brokenrelationships is an exhibit revolving around the artifactsof our broken relationships. they're the kind of things thatyou don't wanna throw away. you're too attached to to donate. not a lot of monetary value here, but like the types of things that you would probably save in a fire. - i ended it and it wasreally, really hard. i think it's the mostheartbroken i've ever been. - literally he said, "i guess "i'm just shallow about bodies." you immediately feellike you're worthless. - there was a period whereit was getting really bad, that he was acting up, callingme every name in the book. - i felt, like, my soul shift in a way that i've only felt in deaths. - i would like to be okaywith being heartbroken. - this is toothpaste, theused thing of to

my broken heart

all i know is that you were my happiness,youwere the only one who made my heart sing you were the who made me smile, who made me dance...whomade me happy. and now without you, it's as if a part of me stayed with you when you left,and now i'm brought out the best in me. & people keep telling me to forgetabout you, to just cut you out that you're not important but they didn't get to know you theway i did. & i cannot just throw you away like a piece of trash, they need to leaveme alone, they don't understand & they don't know how i feel, they need to stop talking,they need to stop telling me how i feel, or how to feel, or how to act.... they don't know how much this is effecting're not just some guy.... you were way more than just some guy.....

mending a shattered heart

♪ hey, sleepless, myeyes are red ♪ ♪ why don't you get outof my bed ♪ ♪ i don't wanna watch thefan no more ♪ ♪ and hey,crazy, that's enough ♪ ♪ i'm sick of trippin' onall your stuff' ♪ ♪ scattered across mybedroom floor ♪ ♪ hey, heartbreak, giveme your key ♪ ♪ it's you, it's not me ♪ ♪ oh, you onlybring me down, ♪ ♪ down, down, down ♪ ♪ hey, heartbreak,don't come back ♪ ♪ i swept up yourshattered glass ♪ ♪ what goes around is comin'back around, ♪ ♪ 'round, 'round, 'round ♪ ♪ hey, heartbreak, i'm breakin'♪ ♪ breakin' up with you ♪ ♪ heartbreak, i'm breakin',breakin' up with you ♪ ♪ hey, laughter, where'syour smile ♪ ♪ haven't seenit in a while ♪ ♪ and i miss thedrunken nights ♪ ♪ hey, lonely, won'tyou leave me alone ♪ ♪ if you call me,ain't nobody home ♪ ♪ but find somebody else ♪ ♪ 'cause i

mending a broken relationship

have you ever been let down have you believed in someone orsomething only to be disappointed in the end has your trust ever been broken every day we experienced injury to oursouls, the printer breaks down when you're on a deadline your best friend turns against you your boss promises you a raise anddoesn't follow through the person you thought was your soulmategoes in another direction you become ill and no longer trust your body to support you it even goes back to childhood from not being invited to a birthday party to parents divorcing over the course of our lives this hurt builds up and becomes thedamaged foundation that creates fear shame, anger and distrust without trust we lose ourselves trust is the souls precious currency it's the vital resource for decision-making, trust is what gives you the clarity to follow your inner compass and find your true path, ifwe cut ourselves off from trusting entirely we cut ourselves off from life, you can build your trust back