
scripture for a broken heart

the book of the prophet hosea. hosea livedin the northern kingdom of israel which he sometimes calls ephram or jacobabout two hundred years after they had broken off from southern judah. rememberthe story from 1 kings. hosea was called to speak on godâ´s behalf duringthe reign of one of israel's worst kings jeroboam the second. the nation wasdescending into chaos, and in the year 722 the big bad assyrian empire swoopedin, and decimated israel. again, see the story in 2nd kings and hosea had seenall of this coming. the book is a collection of sometwenty-five years of his preaching and writing it's almost all poetry and thiswhole collection has been designed to have three main sections. lets just dive in you'll see how it works.the opening part tells the story of hoseaâ´s broken marriage to a woman namedgomer, who commits adultery. now it's not totally clear whether gomer slept aroundwith other men before or only after they got married, but they did have threechildre

relationship advice

hi, i’m mat boggs, and today i’m goingto share with you five ways that men treat women they love. now, you may’ve been ina relationship where the person has told you that they loved you, but you really didn’tfeel it. you know, they said they loved you, but their actions weren’t in alignment withthat. they say they loved you, but they were constantly criticizing you or demeaning you.they said they loved you, but they wouldn’t show up to important events that really matterto you, they were there when it really mattered. and so it can become really confusing whenyou’re in a relationship with someone and their words and actions aren’t in alignment.when it comes to a relationship, actions are the evidence of love. actions are the evidencethat someone loves you and that you love someone else. so here are five actions or five waysof being. here are five ways that men treat the women they love.number one: they’re soft on you when you make a mistake and they’re quick to

recovering from heartbreak

as-salamu alaikum qur'an weekly, we are on the twentieth juz now, alhamdulilah,we are in the twenty's, and this is surah al-qasas on one of my favorite ayat of thissurah, talking about the mother of musa (alayhi as-salam). i picked this ayah because it'sactually very close to my heart for many reasons, most important of which is, all human beingswill suffer emotionally traumatizing experiences. we're going to be hurt because of loved ones,because of the loss of loved ones, because of sickness, because of the pain our lovedones will cause us, like the hurtful things our parents will say to us or we will sayto our parents. or what our children will say to us, or the wife and the husband willsay to each other, or friends will say to each other. and we're going to go throughtraumatic experiences in life, like you know, job loss or home loss, or even worse. howmany people in the world are living in really horrific situations that we cannot imaginesuffering? children

recovering from a broken heart

hello my friend. today's practice will helpaid in healing a broken heart. it will help to lift a heavy heart by nourishing the physicaland emotional and spiritual body pertaining to your heart space. we'll start in extendedchild's pose nice and easy. rest your forehead on the mat and knees nice and wide. stretch your fingertips up and just beginto relax in that heart space. the name of the game today really is unconditional love.and i support you in your practice and i encourage you to give yourself permission to just feelwhatever the heart feels like today. sometimes we must come a little closer to the heartache,step into it and feel it with a certain openness and maybe a softness or tenderness. take thistime for you. you might gently rock the head a little sideto side. you might call an intention into your practice, maybe it's just that unconditionallove, forgiveness, courage. and take your intention with you and we'll lift up to allfours for a little cat cow

recovering from a breakup

hey. i’m really glad we’re going to stay friends. me too. [tv] i want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday. can you do something for me? we’re going to get laid. forget about brad this is our night. yeah! i’m single. cool. can i buy you a drink? really? want to do a shot of crystal? brad! brad! horses but not regular sized horses. they could be scary. and why so small? i know right. oh sorry just one second. oh, no problem. your face missed my face. what? a selfie already? you should be at home crying in bed you monster. two can play at this game. should i go? no, no, no, no. okay. take a picture with me. take a picture, with like…okay. whoa. f#%k brad. who’s brad? there’s a straw in there. dude, six selfies with a man in bed? oh my god, i forgot i posted those. i’m deleting them right now. okay that’s it i’m turning over a new leaf. no more being sad, no more floor vomiting, no more bringing home strangers. and no more masturbating with the doo

recover from breakup

hi, my name is brad browning, and i’m arelationship coach and breakup expert. this video will give you some tips and advice onhow to get over your ex and get on with your life as quickly as, if you’ve seen some of my other videos, you know that i usually talk about how toget your ex back…. and this video definitely applies to those who want their ex back, butit’s also relevant for anyone who just wants to move on and find someone new. so, let’sget started! to begin with, i need to give you a bit ofunfortunate news… and that’s that all breakups, regardless of the circumstances,are painful to some degree. there’s really no magic solution or quick fix that will makeyour heartache disappear overnight. there are, however, a few things you can do to helpsuppress the post-breakup emotions and help you get over your ex as quickly as possible.the first step is to accept the reality of your situation. it’s not helpful or productive to deny thereality that you

prayer to heal a broken heart

welcome to the prayer for healing relationships and prayer for restoration of relationship this is simply a video i put togetherwere allowed to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice about prayer to heal a broken relationship all they ask youto do is to agree with me as we seek our heavenly father please continue tomeditate in this press yourself speaker daily or listen to this video over andover again a lot of the word of god concerning healing and restoringrelationships to reach deep into your spirit let us pray heavenly father wegathered together your online income into agreement in the wonderful andpowerful name of jesus where two or more gathered there you shall surely beanything we agree upon is touching you will surely do the bible says that ifthere's any unforgiveness that it should be dealt with before praying there forrelease in the anger bad feelings resentment or any other wrong attitudebefore you now we laid at your feet and we're releasing forgive those