
how to stop a break up

hello there. relationships are almost always the most difficult aspect of our lives. but what's more difficult than having a relationship,is losing the relationship. it's difficult to find somebodywho hasn't experienced a break-up or a divorce, or a separation from someone that they love. for this reason, it's obvious that heartbreak is an important topic. before going on, it must be said that it's possible to experience heartbreak, without a relationship actually physically ending. in fact, some people live their life inside a relationship in a state of perpetual heartbreak. when this is the case, the break-up has still occurred,but it has occurred internally. to love someone is to include that person as yourself, is to come into a state of emotional oneness. now we are at our best when we are in this state, cause it's our most natural state. it means that we are vibrationally matching the frequency of source itself. in contrast, to break up with someone i

how to repair a broken relationship

hey guys! welcome to my home this is a bit of a different change of setting i know... i'm usually posting up videos where i'm in weird and crazy locations with crazy people in the background. that this is my home so i wanted to try out something different. if you do like it make sure to leave a like in the thing below, if you don't like it below, if you don't have an opinion either way make sure to leave a like and the thing below. yeah! so more and more people i'm finding are learning to settle in their relationships and what i mean by settling is that they get to a point and they don't want to be disappointed but they don't want to be too disappointed so they decide it's easier to stay in a relationship rather than working on it... and the more i meet people and the more i find more about people it's very interesting to see that there's this common situation that happens. they get into a relationship with someone either whatever form (it

how to recover from heartbreak

what's good my people will come back to life live on your whole staying so celebrating classic rock this week the freshman pink floyd central right now but yellow we're gonna get right back into it okay steps to break up a stuff to get over a bad breakup this is part three is have to do all with your healing ok so number one how to heal from a bad breakup alright you want to do what i call your inner work alright you want to your network so basically what you're into work is basically when you wake up in the morning before you even get out of bed i want you to throw some some music like some really inspirational music i prefer gospel but whatever inspires you in the morning don't know one and i'll begin a visual large yourself basically moving forward in your life without this person that you broke away right ok so begin to visualize yourself taking banks to the check begin to see yourself are you know lifting weights running we're going to see yourself do

how to recover from a broken heart

hello, have you ever wondered how to heala broken heart after a breakup? this is no easy task. but, i'm dr. felicia and i'm hereto give you a few tips on how to do that. for one thing you want to indulge yourselfin things that you like and surround yourself by supportive family and friends who understandthe situation. the other thing you want to do is try to embellish some of the good partsof that relationship and try to make some senses to why it actually broke up. it's reallyhard to be honest and look inside ourselves and say, "okay, what did i do to contributeto this breakup", if anything, maybe nothing, but, it's good for you to take a look at thatand analyze it. the other thing you want to do is also, your response may differ, whetheryou're, what we call an internal directed person, perhaps you think about it a lot,you're going to, you're going to internalize it, you're not going to speak to your friends,you're just kind of go and

how to recover from a breakup

you're probably watching this because you'rein pain from a breakup. and i am really sorry that you're going through this, but you willget over this. i promise. my name is kathryn alice and i have helped tens of thousandsof people recover from heartbreak. why does is hurt so much? one word: attachment.we're hardwired for attachment. as a baby you could die, if you did not get attachedto your primary caregiver, usually your mom or your dad. but as a grown up, when we breakup, we fear that we'll die, if we let go. the fact is that if it's not working out romantically,you have to dissolve the attachment. when you're attached, everything is in referenceto the other person. you're thinking about them all the time. you're talking about themtoo much. your friends are sick of hearing about them. you're making great pains to gofind them, to call them, to run into them, or you're avoiding them. either way, it'sin reference to them, and it can r

how to overcome heartbreak

- hey, did you everrealize that a quiche is basically just an egg pie?- [woman] yeah, sure. hey, does this hat make me look like i'm trying too hard, or dothink naturally i'm like, a hat person? - what? - he hesitated, fuck this hat. - what, where are you going? - alexis wanted to meet up and talk. - alexis, your ex-girlfriend alexis? - we're just gonna grab a casual drink. - just gonna grab a casualdrink with your ex-girlfriend? - mhmm. - alright, tell pharrell your problems. - [woman] you don't look like pharrell. - [man] i look like pharrell. - okay, you look alittle bit like pharrell. - thank you. - [woman] thanks.- so... what do you think is about to happen? - i don't know, i haven'tgiven it that much thought. - maybe she's dying.(alexis coughs) maybe she's moving out of the country. she always wanted to go teach abroad, to asian people, be cultured. i don't know, maybe leaving the planet. - people are doing that. - maybe she just wantsha

how to overcome a broken heart

namaste, welcome to today’s hindi video.thank you all for joining me for my hindi video today. i hope your month went well. i was waitingkeenly to make a hindi video for you all. first of all, i thank you all to comment verynice things about my previous hindi videos and those who sent me personal emails and messages; i likedknowing about you and thoughts. i tried replying to as many emails i can, and if i haven’t repliedsome of you yet then i am going to reply you soon. so we will start here by today’s hindi video. you all have told me to make videos on somany personal topics that i sometimes worry about how to make it and topics get very serious becausepeople suggest me serious topics. even today, i have got one topic like that,which will tell about “how to deal with break-up”, that means, it your relation is broken then how will youdeal with it. love, betrayal and break-up are all smalland common things in life, but few people cannot deal with it and they even try to