
broken heart syndrome treatment

- [voiceover] so your heart pumps blood essentially to two places and the first place is your body. so you have your oxygenatedblood on the left side and we gotta remember that the lefts and the rights are switched because we're looking at theanatomical view of the heart. so it pumps it out to your body and your body gets that oxygen. your body uses it upand then circulates it back into the right side where this time it'spumped out to the lungs and gets re-oxygenatedand gets that oxygen back and then it's circulatedback into the left side. and the amount of blood at any time pumped to your body is sortof based on this demand that your body has for blood. you can kind of think ofit like you have this gage that says, "hey, i need this much blood "to sustain this much activity." and this can change, so if you start working out or something, your demands might go up and your heart can accommodate for that and start pumping more blood to that body to meet th

broken heart symptoms

we’ve all heard love is like a drug. sodoes that mean heartbreak is like withdrawal? hello lovers, lissette here for dnews. ifyou’ve ever fallen in love, this also means you’ve probably experienced heartache. breakupsare so painful that they can lead to feelings of loneliness, anger, and even clinical depression.and they affect more than just your feelings. we’ve already done an episode on how heartbreakliterally hurts your heart. and you probably also know that emotional pain, especiallywith rejection, can activate the same neurological regions as physical pain. yep. to your brain,getting accidentally hit by a rogue baseball on your shoulder is the same as hearing, â€Å“it’snot you. it’s me.” so what is really happening in your brain when you’re experiencing heartbreak? to really get a full grasp of this, we haveto first look at what’s happening in the brain when we are in love. it’s not justone thing going on. turns out, there are many processes involved that t

broken heart disease

which of our neighbors can you reach inless time than it takes to drive to work? that's the one. east timor is only anhour's flight from darwin, a place with deep historical links to australia. even some of the landscape looks thesame. yet it is one of the poorest countriesin asia. tthings are improving but the people need a hand. young people who represent the country'sfuture are suffering and dying because of untreated heart disease. with noavailable specialist cardiac care, many face a life blighted by terriblesymptoms followed by an early death. is that what we want for our neighbours?since 2010 east timor hearts fund has provided local health screening andworld-class cardiac care in australia for dozens of young timorese. withnewfound health they can return to school university or work and contributeto their families community and country. we know our approach works. independentresearch shows that every dollar invested in our program returns ninedollars in social

broken heart break up


broken heart after break up

-so just go at it?-go at it. -is this his face or something? [ clink! ] [ pop! ] [ ding! ] [ bang! ] -how do you get througha breakup? well, suck it up. be strong. tough it out. these are some of the thingsyou hear people tell you. well, what if i told youthat none of those work, and instead, that you should dothe exact opposite. give yourself permissionto feel it all. see, in 2010, biologicalanthropologist helen fisher discovered, using mrisand advanced brain mapping, that when you're going througha breakup, the exact same regionsof the brain are activated as when an addict is goingthrough periods of withdrawal. simply put,we've scientifically proved that love really is a drug. it's a big deal,because it kills this notion we went along assuming for years that going through a breakupis just this emotional process, when really,they're very much physical, too. it's why you find yourselfexperiencing a loss of appetite, fatigue, anxiety,and many other symptoms tha

broke my heart

you broke my heart!

breaking up with someone
