
what to do when your heartbroken

- i loved him. maybe it wasn't like perfect and romantic the way that, like, ihad dreamed about it, but i loved him and i, like, just wanted that to be enough so badly. - the museum of brokenrelationships is an exhibit revolving around the artifactsof our broken relationships. they're the kind of things thatyou don't wanna throw away. you're too attached to to donate. not a lot of monetary value here, but like the types of things that you would probably save in a fire. - i ended it and it wasreally, really hard. i think it's the mostheartbroken i've ever been. - literally he said, "i guess "i'm just shallow about bodies." you immediately feellike you're worthless. - there was a period whereit was getting really bad, that he was acting up, callingme every name in the book. - i felt, like, my soul shift in a way that i've only felt in deaths. - i would like to be okaywith being heartbroken. - this is toothpaste, theused thing of to

what to do when your heart is broken

this dnews episode is brought to you by broken heart? here’s a tip: take two aspirin,and don’t call me in the morning. hey guys, tara here for dnews - and anyonewho’s ever been through a big breakup, knows just how awful they can be. you don’t eat,you don’t sleep, everything sucks - but what can you do? well, according to walter mischel, a psychologyprofessor at columbia - all you have to do, is pop a couple aspirin. seems almost tooeasy. but as controversial as his theory is, it does have a somewhat solid basis in science. multiple mri studies have shown that the partof your brain that gets activated when you experience feelings of romantic rejection,is the same area of your brain that processes physical pain. which is why mischel recommendsthat heartbreak be treated like any other injury. it sounds ridiculous, but again - there isevidence that simple painkillers can help people deal with feelings of rejection. scientists at ucla conducted a study recently,wh

what to do when you are brokenhearted

from literature to plays and movies throughout the world, humanity's fascination with love is just as strong as our obsession with heartbreak. but, is a broken heart simply an abstract concept, or are there real physical affects on the body and the brain? whenever you endure physical pain, such as a cut or injury, the anterior cingulate cortex is stimulated. surprisingly, it's the same region of the brain that's activated when you feel excluded or experience the loss of a social relationship. perhaps physical pain and emotional pain aren't as different as we once thought. think about the ways in which we describe lost love. "he ripped my heart out", "it was a slap in the face", "i'm emotionally scarred." this use of physical description paints a clear relationship, at least in language, between emotional and physical pain. in fact, studies have shown that human beings would rather be physically hurt than feel social exclusion. but

what to do when heartbroken

>> last week a chicago policeofficer, responding to a 911 call, shot and killed two of thepeople that he was going to the residence to supposedly help,and now one of the fathers of the slain, nineteen-year-oldquintonia legrier, is speaking out. his name is antonio legrier, andhis comments are extremely difficult to watch, but they arevery important because this has just happened to him. you can get a feeling of what itis like to be one of these many families that experiencethis in america every year. >> you were a kind and generousson who gave nothing but the utmost respect to all people. he was the model kid, he wasn'tperfect but he was that type of kid that would respectanyone of authority. and he was a great son, theperfect son for me. >> obviously preemptivelyfighting back against what will inevitably, surely be theright wing media's attempt to paint this nineteen-year-oldas, he had it coming, he was asking for it, hemade it happen. to him it is his

what to do if your heartbroken

hey everybody, mat boggs here and today i’mgoing to answer a question that was sent in from a woman named carol. and carol writes,“i am terrified about getting into a relationship.” carol, i know how you feel. she says, “i’mfeeling fear of making a bad choice and going through the pain of a breakup again. it tookso long to get over it and i don’t want to go through that again.” carol, i feelyou, girl. i know exactly what you’re talking about, and for those of you who are watchingthis video, i’m sure you’ve had this experience. so i think we can agree that emotional painis the worst kind of pain there is. i mean, i’ve played college sports, had bad injuries,had surgery, and no physical pain compared to the worst emotional pain that i was experiencing.i can remember wanting to marry my girlfriend at the time – this was years ago – andall of a sudden, one day she just stopped calling and she up and vanished and i hadno idea what happened. i had no idea what

what is heart broken

hello my friend. today's practice will helpaid in healing a broken heart. it will help to lift a heavy heart by nourishing the physicaland emotional and spiritual body pertaining to your heart space. we'll start in extendedchild's pose nice and easy. rest your forehead on the mat and knees nice and wide. stretch your fingertips up and just beginto relax in that heart space. the name of the game today really is unconditional love.and i support you in your practice and i encourage you to give yourself permission to just feelwhatever the heart feels like today. sometimes we must come a little closer to the heartache,step into it and feel it with a certain openness and maybe a softness or tenderness. take thistime for you. you might gently rock the head a little sideto side. you might call an intention into your practice, maybe it's just that unconditionallove, forgiveness, courage. and take your intention with you and we'll lift up to allfours for a little cat cow

what is broken heart syndrome

>>> as we celebratevalentine's month, have you ever wondered how serious abroken heart can be? stay tuned for healthwatch.captioning provided by caption associates, \m\m>>> hello, i'm terrance afer-anderson, and this ishealthwatch. i'm wearing my favorite redtie and suit today because during the month of february,the american heart association celebrates national heartmonth. of course, it is also go redfor women month, recognizing women and heart disease.did you know that heart disease is the number onecause of death in american women?let me ask you something: have you ever heard of anyonedying from a broken heart? is it really possible?well, you might be surprised to know that there is agenuine medical condition known as broken heartsyndrome. the clinical term isstress-induced cardiomyopathy. or takotsubo case you're wondering, a takotsubo is a japanesedesigned pot-shaped octopus trap that closely resem