my heart broken

my heart broken

- i loved him. maybe it wasn't like perfect and romantic the way that, like, ihad dreamed about it, but i loved him and i, like, just wanted that to be enough so badly. - the museum of brokenrelationships is an exhibit revolving around the artifactsof our broken relationships. they're the kind of things thatyou don't wanna throw away. you're too attached to to donate.

not a lot of monetary value here, but like the types of things that you would probably save in a fire. - i ended it and it wasreally, really hard. i think it's the mostheartbroken i've ever been. - literally he said, "i guess "i'm just shallow about bodies." you immediately feellike you're worthless. - there was a period whereit was getting really bad,

that he was acting up, callingme every name in the book. - i felt, like, my soul shift in a way that i've only felt in deaths. - i would like to be okaywith being heartbroken. - this is toothpaste, theused thing of toothpaste. the boyfriend always usedthe same type of toothpaste, and then once the partner gotto the end of this toothpaste, that was like the end of therelationship after he was gone. - the dog collar light.

apparently, they usedto put it on their dog, just to wander off in the night. - they broke up and the woman took the dog and she was too emotionallywrecked to take care of a puppy. i got a puppy when i first got divorced. she sort of saved me. - i mean i guess shereally liked meat smokers so he gave it to her, andthen when they broke up, she put it on his porchand it just sat there.

at first, everything is alwaysso new and bright and shiny, like new love is just so exciting. and then when it's over, it just dies. - it's 6:40 am. what the heck am i doing? you look so cute, you weresleeping, blah, blah, blah, so i left you a note. that was very typicalof him in the beginning. but it was all a ruseand i can see that now. - this is a shirt that was worn

on the day her husband toldher their marriage was over. it's a sweet shirt and she felt like she was going out to a nice lunch, and then her whole life was gonna change. i don't remember what i was wearing when my husband told me what had happened. i'm glad i don't, i'm glad idon't have a blue chiffon top. - that's an example ofwhat not to do for a guy. silicone breast implants.

especially for a four year relationship. - i'd rather try and fail,whereas you would prefer to hold back and maintain it didn't work. and then it really all started to crumble. that's kind of how i feel. not that he wasn't all in, maybe i wasn't. it's just a saladspinner, it's collapsible. - this is a melted phone. it reminds me of oneof the instances where

he was like screaming at me in the car, and i started recorded him on my phone. he was like, "what are you doing?" and i said, "i'm recording you," and he grabbed the phone,opened the car door and smashed it, i thinktwice, on the asphalt. - i think a lot of the time, you want to believe in something, even though when you know it's maybe

not the way you would like it to be. - it's helpful to know thatyou're, like, not alone, of course, but also that, like, you can have a sense of humor. it's better to embrace the silly than just sort of likebottle it up and wallow. - there are just so manyitems that seem insignificant, but on the whole, they sort of sum up an entire relationship.

- a natural thing for people is to want to connect other people'spain to their own. - it's those little tiny details that make my relationship so unique to me, and that's true for everybody. - it's what abusers do,they distance you from who you're close to so youdon't really have an out. having an outlet is freedom.


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