what to do when heartbroken

what to do when heartbroken

>> last week a chicago policeofficer, responding to a 911 call, shot and killed two of thepeople that he was going to the residence to supposedly help,and now one of the fathers of the slain, nineteen-year-oldquintonia legrier, is speaking out. his name is antonio legrier, andhis comments are extremely difficult to watch, but they arevery important because this has just happened to him. you can get a feeling of what itis like to be one of these many families that experiencethis in america every year.

>> you were a kind and generousson who gave nothing but the utmost respect to all people. he was the model kid, he wasn'tperfect but he was that type of kid that would respectanyone of authority. and he was a great son, theperfect son for me. >> obviously preemptivelyfighting back against what will inevitably, surely be theright wing media's attempt to paint this nineteen-year-oldas, he had it coming, he was asking for it, hemade it happen.

to him it is his perfect son. >> he says it was his only son,you robbed me of everything. the kid was an electricalengineer. the reason the cops were calledthis because he had some emotional issue. the mom says he does not havemental issues, he is an electrical engineer, he isbright, he had a brightfuture ahead of him. but the lawyer says that theyshot from twenty feet

outside the house. how close could the kid havebeen from inside the house. they also shotfifty-five-year-old betty jones, who opened the door. they started shooting whenthey were called to help. >> not even in, the door opensand they start shooting. >> he is going to tell you moreabout how it went down, but he also said, i need the nation toknow that i raised a good son. because what is a sick aboutthis, because after you lose ã± i

don't know if you guys have kids, but think about it, ifit was your son, and they shot him dead, and then you haveto go on national tv and defend him. he is the victim, but you haveto defend him because the onslaught is coming. did he ever do anything wrong? did he ever get detentionin school? literally. >> is there a picture on socialmedia that we don't like? >> even betty jones, thefifty-five-year-old who answered

the door, shouldn't answer the door to cops, of coursewe will shoot you. that when they consider anaccident, but with quintonio they don'tconsider it an accident. they said they have questionsabout him, because the 911 call said that he was "a littleagitated," so if you let the cops know that you are a little agitatedthey are going to come in and shoot you. >> we're going to show you morevideo in a second, but their

description of what happened in regards to quintonio is thatthey responded to a domestic disturbance ata residence. "upon arrival, officers wereconfronted by a combative subject resulting in the discharging of theofficer's weapon." his gun went off becausehe was combative. no, you shot and killed him. >> that his victim blaming 101.

you murder the kid, and thenyou say he caused the discharging of my weapon. >> there is no officer in this,there is jus a gun, floating. >> by being combative.was betty jones being combative? all she did was open the door. you came in shooting. thirty day suspension, we don'tknow who the cop is, and i'm sure that the police will saythroughout the country that this is very important forprotecting civilians.

>> as we said, the father isgoing to describe exactly what happened that night. >> after a second banging on thedoor i received a phone and called a police department,because i wasn't equipped with being able to understand how todeal with my angry son at that time, because i figured thepolice would know better how to handle an angry situation thatmy teenage son was going through. >> there he is describing why hechose to call the police.

he had heard his son banging onthe door with a baseball bat. it is amazing to me that he,still at this point, after all we have seen, he still turns tothe police to help him with this situation with his family thathe canã­t handle, which is beautiful but tragicin this case. >> this father is way too kindto the cops, but here he made the initial mistake of thinkingthat the cops would come to help you. in chicago? when you are black?

he is such a goodhearted guy,so he thought, i am not equipped for this. you thought the cops would havetraining to deal with someone who has anemotional issue? did you know that people who arementally ill are the most likely to be shot? second most likely areblack people. if you have a black personhaving an emotional issue in that moment, donot call the cops.

try to figure handle on it onyour own, call a doctor, maybe call an ambulance, but iam afraid, i am not sure i would call the cops. cops come in with guns raised. and the kid has a bat, they'regoing to call it a weapon, he is done. it is not his fault, he thought that we lived in adecent country where the cops would come and help you. they are not trained, and thisis what we have been saying

over and over. will you train them already? don't train them to kill,train them to help. i know that is a crazy thoughtfor cops all across the country. the overwhelming majority oftheir training is, how do i kill him? how do i stop him? how do i use physical force toget him down and get him to respect me? this is not about your respect.

they are all coming in herewith power trips and wanting respect and all of that stuff. a tiny percentage of thetraining is, hey maybe we should not shoot sometimes. sometimes we should not shoot.not everyone is bad. in san antonio they train on,some people we deal with have mental issues, so when youare confronted with that this is what you should do. and you know what happens?

they don't shoot in san antonio. itã­s not that there are neverany problems, but they are better equipped. but we don't do that withchicago, we equip them to kill, and when they killwe all surprised. you should not be surprised. >> let's go to this nextclip, i think this is when the weight of what happenedreally washes over the father on live tv. >> i got accorded away down thestaircase, i heard gunshots.

i stopped at that point intime because i was not sure where those gunshotswere coming from. after that, the gunshotsstopped. i proceeded further down thestairs, displaying my hands, indicating that ã±i'm sorry miss brooke. indicating that ã± i'm sosorry, give me one second. indicating that i was thefather, and i was the one that called. please forgive me miss brooks,my son was laying there, and he was still alive and moving, andno one, no one at all assisted

him at any time while he was there. once the paramedics approach tothe porch, they proceeded onto the porch, and i looked back inthe hallway and i see them dragging my son out. not to roll him over to givehim cpr, just to pull him out and put him on thegurney and wheel him away. no one administered cpr atany point, no one. at this point, i did not knowwhat to say or what to do as i saw my son and mrs. jones berolled away.

>> they did not try to help him,that is also a constant in these cases. they shoot the personand leave him to die. because i suppose it is easierto win a court case when the person is dead than whenhe is crippled for life. they dragged the father away andquestioned him for hours, and all that time they refusedto tell him what had happened to his son. >> i did not think i could getany angrier, but as usual i am wrong about that, i amnow angrier.

i am asking you, again, if youhave kids, i saw this in a movie one time, a sillymovie, time to kill, with matthew mcconaughey,where he says in the court case, imagine if this was your child. so i'm going to ask you to do the same.imagine this was your kid. you called for help, the copscome and shoot your kid dead. they donã­t help him, he isthere bleeding out. you are asking them,please can you help him? and then they drag youaway and question you.

you don't know if your sonis dead or alive. but they are checking inon you, why? because they have tocover their ass. because they justkilled your son. they won't even tell you ifyour son is alive or dead. can you imagine anythingmore grotesque? black people areangry i am told. not nearly angry enough. imagine how angry you would beif that was your son, or

your daughter. someone you loved. the copsã­ job is to protect us,and instead they come in shooting. and yes it is disproportionallyblack, i covered this on yesterday's show. young black males are shottwenty-one times more often than young white males by cops. if you cannot see that that it isdisproportionate, and that

race is an issue, you arepurposefully being blind to it. they shot a couple of black kidsand a fifty-five-year-old grandmother, it wasn't my grandma, it wasn't my kid. there is something wrong withyou, there is something wrong with us as a country if you arenot morally shocked and outraged by that. he sues, he sued for $50,000. >> wrongful death. >> he is doing that so that they investigateit.

50,000 is nothing. my guess is that he is only suingfor a small amount so that people donã­t think he is doing it for money. people are going to say he isdoing it to get rich. god dammit it is his only son!iã­d have sued for $1 billion until i bankrupted the chicago police department, i would have driventhem out of business in any way i could if they had donethat to my family. what would you have done ifit was your family?

are you kidding me with $50,000?i'd want to break their back as an organization becausethey keep killing people. shooting them in the back,shooting them in the front, when they answer the door,when they ask for help. his father, antonio isway too decent. he says he wanted to reach outto the family members of the officer who did theshooting. he is a thousand times moredecent a man than i am. he says "i'm sure he's hurtingas well," about the cop,

"because he has to live with the fact that he shot a kid." i shouldnã­t say this, but,white people in this country, unfortunately have taughtafrican-americans for hundreds of years, that even if you arethe victim, you are aggrieved, you are trespassed upon in anyway, you are supposed to apologize. they shoot you, youbow your head. same thing happened insouth carolina. dylan roof comes into a churchand shoots twelve people, the

judge asks ã± and there is afan of the show who says he knows the judge and says thejudge is a good guy, i believe it, but it's the cultureã± the judge asks for us to consider the feelings ofdylan roof's parents. we should be more angry,stop killing our kids. stop killing our kids, it isnot too much to ask for.


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