overcoming a breakup

overcoming a breakup

there are actually some very positive thingsthat can come out of a breakup, or a decaying relationship. some of these include gettingyour identify back, especially if you have been very, very absorbed with the person thatyou're with. you've kind of lost touch with who you really are. i was talking about itin the last clip, you, you're not, you've lost your friends, you've kind of dumped yourfriends and everything that was you before you got in this relationship. well, now youcan get your identify back. who are you? not who you are with this other person, or whothis other person has kind of turned you into, but who are you? it's also a great opportunityfor you to be able to meet new people. meet different people. get out in the world andfind out what's out there. you know, you've

probably heard the term 'there's lots of fishin the sea' well, there really are. so this is an opportunity for you to meet new peopleand to develop new and different kinds of relationships because you're not so lockedin to that one person. and distance is good. distance between people is good. you know,you are so, so locked in to this person. now, you're going to break up, you're going toget away and that's actually a good thing, to remove yourself from this person so youcan start up with some new people.


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