symptoms of a broken heart girl

symptoms of a broken heart girl

>>wilbur: death. deceaseness. life no longerhappening. these are all things that happen to people due to sickness, and disease orgetting hit by buses. but did you know that these aren’t the only things that can killyou? yeah, there are literally billions of other things that can kill you but thanksto science a new thing can kill you too! find out how here because you’re watching sourcefed. [music] >> wilbur: hi, i’m william haynes. that’smy lower third. recently scientists and researchers discovered that it’s actually possible todie of a broken heart. they believe that going through such trauma such as the lost of aloved one can cause your immune system to

weaken. you know what happens when your immune systemweakens: you get sick, and you know what happens to people when they get sick sometimes: theydie. they believe that due to this research it proves how often widows and widowers dieright after their spouses even though appearing to be healthy. the university of birmingham studied the effectof bereavement on blood cells called neutrophils. which apparently plays a large role in combatingbacterial infections such as pneumonia. and while we’re on the topic of pneumonia,how in gandhi’s name are people still dying of pneumonia? it’s 2014 not 1420! when didthe earth become dyscalculic? next thing you

know people are going to die from the commoncold or broken bones what’s that they are? –oh, they’re indifferent countries that aren’t america? well, they obviously don’t matter, theydon’t pay taxes, back to the point. the university of birmingham also took bloodsamples from men and women who were recently grieving and inspected how well their neutrophilswere at killing bugs. it turned out that younger people were unaffectedand people over the age of 65 were no longer able to kill bacteria. researcher anna phillipsclaimed this could leave them vulnerable to deadly bacterial infections, that you know,can leave you dead like. which makes sense because i’ve had my heartbroken more times than a cardiologist with

butter fingers. i’m more bereaved than abeaver after a flood. but i’m a young person, so i got that going for me. (oh hey gaby, how are you? oh, you don’twant to be with me anymore because of reasons you won’t share? i just felt one of my ribsfalling out.) for those of you at home, have you ever feltsick after being sad? tell me about the first time your heart was broken in excruciatingdetail. my name’s william haynes.


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