steps to get over a break up

steps to get over a break up

have you ever thought about how awesome thewhole world seems when you’re smitten with a guy? it’s like a better, more beautifulplace where everything is pleasant and less bothersome. all of this quickly changes thoughwhen you fall out of love or have your heart broken. the world seems dark and bleak, andalmost anything can bring you to tears or piss you off. this only goes to show us thatour world is as bright or as gloomy as we make it out to be, and how quickly we canjump between feelings when love is involved. in the beginning of romantic relationshipswe often fear love because we know the pain it’s capable of inflicting. sadly, heartbreakis something that most people go through in their lives; it’s a near-universal partof the human experience. think about how many

films, books and songs are dedicated to love’saftermath - our culture thrives on it. my name is amy north, i’m a relationshipcoach from vancouver, canada and today i’m going to talk about the five stages for gettingover heartbreak, even if it seems impossible at first!let’s get started. #1.) coping with your lossaccepting that your relationship is over can be tough and chances are you’ll experiencea tidal wave of emotions ranging from hurt and regretful, to agony and anger- you maycry, shout, laugh or may not be able to get anything past the lump in your throat.everyone has a different way of dealing with emotions, but i can assure you that we allshare similar feelings when experiencing heartache.

an important part of the coping process isto take time to process your feelings. not only will this help you with moving forward,but learning how to cope in situations of loss is a valuable lesson to learn and it’llteach you how to deal with emptiness. if you rush through emotions and jump intoa new relationship without properly handling your grief then chances are your repressedemotions will surface and blow up in your face. instead, give yourself the necessarytime to move through each feeling, look inward and let it go.#2.) toughening up now, this doesn’t mean you’ll hit thegym or start lifting weights, but rather that there will come a time when you’ll emotionallytoughen up. you may know what i’m talking

about, in fact you’ve probably seen oneof your friends or relatives go through this stage, the one where they vow to never fallin love again or promise to not make the same mistakes. while they may think they’re beingtough, this isn’t strength, but hurt disguised as it. and hurt shouldn’t stop us from datingagain. although it may feel like time is standingstill, the rest of the world keeps moving on. you’re still expected to go to work,pay your bills, and be social with others. as much as you may want to hide under yourblankets until the pain goes away, you shouldn’t. choosing to face the world head on will showyou how strong you really are and when you realize this you’ll see you’re unstoppable.and if your ex boyfriend sees you in this

unstoppable state of mind, he is going towant to come crawling back to you… and if that’s what you’re really interested in,then i highly encourage you to check out this website at -- in this video,you’ll learn some covert, psychological techniques to make your ex boyfriend wantto come running back to you. again, that url is so head on over to thatwebsite after this video. now remember, as much as you may feel likethrowing in the towel or admitting defeat, you’re not alone in feeling the way youdo. in fact there are millions of people who at this very moment are facing similar battlesand are searching for their own strength. which brings me to my next tip...3.) getting used to flying solo

one of the hardest parts of dealing with abreakup is getting used to flying solo. sure it can be tough when you’re suddenly doingall the things you used to do together alone, but what most people don’t see is how excitingit can be to re-embrace your independence. think about it, you get to relearn that yourown company is the best kind of company and that there’s a huge difference between beingalone and being lonely. once you embrace the idea of flying solo, you can actually startto appreciate your own awesome self. start a journal to write down your thoughts, treatyourself, go on dates with yourself, binge watch your favourite shows, go for hikes,pick up new hobbies, plan a trip and always, always compliment yourself.slowly, through heartbreak’s drawn out pain,

you begin to realize that going home aloneisn’t a dark, daunting thought. it’s kind of great, actually.4.) finding yourself again it doesn’t matter if you’ve been withsomeone for three months or three years, time doesn’t determine how you felt about someoneor the impact they’ve had on your life. no matter how much your relationship changedyou as a person, it’s important to find yourself again as an individual. this meansrediscovering your own routine and stability. it sounds tough, but it’s really quite simple.before your ex boyfriend was a part of your life, you were a strong and independent find yourself again, you need to go back to being that person. of course you won’tbe the exact same person as you were before

- the experiences and lessons along the wayhave undoubtedly made you stronger wiser - still, pick up the pieces of you and rebuild yourselfinto the unbeatable force you are. sometimes all a broken heart needs to be putback together again, and as the late, great marilyn monroe once said, “sometimes goodthings fall apart so better things can fall together.”5.) remembering the good times believe it or not, there will come a timewhen you can look back on your past relationship and smile. it may take a year it may take10, but when it does happen you’ll no longer feel angry or upset thinking about it. maybeyou’ll hear a song that flashes you a memory or perhaps you’ll pull out the shoebox fromthe back of your closet- the one where you

crammed all the love notes, ticket stubs andphotos. either way, my point is that when you finally get to this stage you’ll beable to look back and remember the best parts of your relationship instead of the awfulbits. well, that’s all for this video, hopefullyit’ll help you along your path to getting over heartbreak. whenever it seems impossiblejust remember that it may be hard right now, but as confucious said, “this too shallpass.” if you have any questions for me feel freeto post in the comments below, i’ll do my best to get back to you, and if you’d liketo show your support for my channel you can do so by clicking “like” below and followingme on my social pages. i’ll post the links

to those, until next time, take care and i’ll see you soon!


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