my heart is broken what should i do

my heart is broken what should i do

unbreak my heart. say youlove me again. un... oh, hey, guys. don'tmind my singing. i'm alex. thanks for clicking, and welcome tothis lesson on "talking about broken hearts". so, many of us have had our hearts broken,whether because of a relationship, or because you received some bad news, or maybe you reallylove a sports team and they lost, and they broke your heart. so, today, we are going totalk about broken hearts and the different ways we can use the term "heart" and the verb"break" in different context, different situations, different grammaticalstructures. so, first of all, again, the most common situation,if someone breaks up with you, ends a relationship

with you, if you want to be very dramatic,you could say: "she (or he) broke my heart!" all right? in the past tense. "she broke myheart!", "he broke my heart!" now, again, this... because it's a verb, "break", you canuse it in any tense you wish. so you can say: "i have had my heart broken before." youcan also make a prediction for your friend, like: "he's going to break your heart!" so,you can use it in a variety of tenses. "you will have had your heart broken." youknow, any tense you can think of. if you wanted to use this in a passive constructionand say that you are the one, you know, who had their heart broken, you could say this: "i hadmy heart broken." or: "i got my heart broken." so the passive would be: "i had my heartbroken.", "i got my heart broken." okay?

and now, here... here, we have the term "heartbreak".and if you're talking about "heartbreak", the noun, the concept of having a broken heart,you would use the verb: "suffer". so: "i'm suffering from heartbreak." and if you notice,i put two pop culture references related to heartbreak. so, for example, elvis sang asong called "heartbreak hotel", and if you are a professional wrestling fan, you mightbe familiar with the heartbreak kid, shawn michaels. and he's a professional, ex-professionalwrestler; he's now retired. but he was known as the heartbreak kid, and the sexyboy in professional wrestling. so, you can also say a person who breaks heartsregularly is a heartbreaker. okay? so: "she's a heartbreaker." or: "he's a heartbreaker."someone who breaks hearts and doesn't, you

know, stay long in relationships, but just breakspeople's hearts. so, he or she is a heartbreaker. now, let's look at some adjectives and some pastparticiples as well. so: "i was heartbroken when i heard the news. so, you can have yourheart broken by something. and if you want to say... you know, use an adjective, youcan say: "oh, i am heartbroken." or: "i was heartbroken." or: "i'm going to be heartbrokenif they lose." or: "when the news comes", or something like this. and instead of "heartbroken", it's also possibleto reverse this and say: "brokenhearted". now, again, many more contexts, we would usethe term "heartbroken". i am heartbroken. but you can also say, you know: "he's a brokenheartedromantic." or: "a heartbroken romantic." so

they're both very similar meanings. i wouldsay "heartbroken" is much more commonly used in popular speech,common speech. and, finally, if you want to use, you know,an adjective that describes a situation or news, a game, a movie, a book, or again, asituation, you can say: "it was heartbreaking!" so: "the news was heartbreaking. it broke myheart.", "the game was heartbreaking. the loss of my favourite team broke my heart.","the movie was heartbreaking. i just saw the notebook and it broke my heart. it was a heartbreakingmovie." or: "the book was heartbreaking." i just read... i've never read love in thetime of cholera, but let's imagine... i'm imagining that love in the time of choleramight have some heartbreaking moments. okay?

so, just to get a quick review, the most commonphrase is: "he broke my heart!" or: "she broke my heart!" you can use it in any tense. "he'sgoing to break your heart.", "you had your heart broken.", "i have had my heart broken."whatever it is. so, again, i had my heart broken. i got my heart broken. if you use the term "heartbreak"... you cansuffer from heartbreak. and, again, pop culture references. think of "the heartbreak hotel" byelvis or the heartbreak kid, shawn michaels. and you can say: "he is a heartbreaker.","she is a heartbreaker." a person who breaks hearts. you can be heartbroken, you can bebrokenhearted, and something can be heartbreaking. okay? so, don't break my heart. please, do the quiz and don't forget to subscribe

to my youtube channel.see you guys later. bye. unbreak my heart. sayyou love me again.


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