signs of a broken heart

signs of a broken heart

hi, my name is brad browning, and i’m arelationship coach and breakup expert. this video will give you some tips and advice onhow to get over your ex and get on with your life as quickly as, if you’ve seen some of my other videos, you know that i usually talk about how toget your ex back…. and this video definitely applies to those who want their ex back, butit’s also relevant for anyone who just wants to move on and find someone new. so, let’sget started! to begin with, i need to give you a bit ofunfortunate news… and that’s that all breakups, regardless of the circumstances,are painful to some degree. there’s really no magic solution or quick fix that will makeyour heartache disappear overnight. there

are, however, a few things you can do to helpsuppress the post-breakup emotions and help you get over your ex as quickly as possible.the first step is to accept the reality of your situation. it’s not helpful or productive to deny thereality that you and your partner are no longer together, nor is it going to do you any goodto try and talk things over with your ex. instead, try to own up to the situation you’refaced with and accept that your ex is no longer a focal point of your life. accepting thatcan be painful, but now is the time to let out your emotions and come to grips with lifeas it stands now that your relationship has ended.

don’t be afraid to do a bit of crying orspend some time alone in the first day after your breakup, especially if it helps you acceptthe reality of what’s happened. but do your very best to avoid having these emotionalbreakdowns while your ex is present. in fact, during these early stages, it’snot a good idea to speak to your ex at all. in particular, avoid begging, pleading, orapologizing to your ex in an attempt to reverse their decision or in hopes of finding closure. many people will try to search for answersafter a breakup — trying to learn what they did wrong or why their ex decided to end things— which is not the right thing to do, especially in the first few days after your breakup.instead, you and your ex should go your separate

ways, and you should try to get control ofyour emotions and accept your reality without looking for answers or asking yourself whatyou might’ve done differently. by the way, if you’re not ready to let goand you’re hoping to get back together with your ex, then now is a good time to tell youabout my free quiz tool…. i’ve created a quiz on my website that will help you figureout whether or not your ex will take you back and what your odds of success are. it takesabout 5 minutes to complete, and you can try it out for yourself at now, moving on... once you’ve come to gripswith the reality of your situation, it’s time to remove all visible reminders of yourex. there’s nothing worse than being reminded

of a painful memory every time you walk intoyour bedroom… which is why one of the most important ways to move on is to remove visiblereminders around your house. take down photos, love notes, gifts from yourex, and any other items that might remind you of your past relationship and puttingthem in a box in your attic. eventually, you can open them up again, but only when you’vemoved on completely. for now, you don’t want to be reminded of your ex. you should also make sure that you “hide”or “mute” your ex’s status updates and notifications on facebook, twitter, instagram,etc. this will ensure that you’re not reminded of your ex and seeing what they’re up toevery time you log in to your social media

accounts. i don’t recommend deleting orblocking your ex completely -- it’s usually enough just to hide their status updates orposts from your news feed. if you’re really struggling with self-controland can’t seem to stop yourself from texting or calling your ex, i also recommend writingdown your ex’s number on a piece of paper and giving it to a friend, and then deletingit from your phone completely. you don’t need to contact your ex right now, and deletingtheir info from your contacts list is a good way to make sure you don’t do somethingdumb. with all reminders of your ex now removedfrom your life, the next step is to stay busy and keep yourself occupied at all times. ifyou sit around the house doing nothing, you’re

giving yourself a chance to think things overand bring undue heartache upon yourself. it’s best to keep busy with work, school, hobbies,or any other activities that keep your attention focused on something other than your ex. evenwatching a favorite tv show or playing video games will take your mind off the breakupfor a while. you should also lean on your friends and family.try to avoid being alone whenever possible – go out with friends or spend time withfamily, even if it’s the last thing you feel like doing. trust me when i say thatbeing social is one of the single most effective ways of getting through a breakup. it’s also important during all of this thatyou continue to maintain healthy habits. scientists

have proven that vigorous exercise produces‘feel good’ chemicals such as seratonin and dopamine in your brain. that means thatan intense 30-60 minute workout 3-4 times a week can help you avoid depression and feelbetter about life in general. it’s also important to maintain healthy eating habitsand generally take care of yourself so that you don’t add any extra stresses on yourbody or mind. all of those things will help speed up theprocess and mimize your heartache, but i should also mention that the single best way to recoverfrom a breakup is to find someone new. now, i realize that at this point you’reprobably not really interested in going on dates or going out and meeting members ofthe opposite sex, but if you can force yourself

to get out there and start dating again, you’llbe doing yourself a big favor and you’ll find that the breakup emotions completelydisappear once you find a new guy or girl to replace your ex. so, as soon as you canstomach it, get out there and start meeting people and going on dates. online dating isa great way to start, so consider signing up for a few free datings sites as soon aspossible. if you happen to talk with your ex (eitheron purpose or as a result of an accidental encounter), try to stay positive and keepthings cordial. even if your breakup was nasty and you hate your ex’s guts, starting afight or being mean to them to try and “get even” is not going to help you feel anybetter and usually just leads to more problems

and drags out your recovery. i recommend ignoringyour ex completely and avoiding any non-essential contact with him or her until you’re fullyover the breakup. finally, if you find yourself struggling withdepression and heartache even after you’ve done all the things i’ve talked about inthis video, try to remember that every day that passes is another step towards a fullrecovery. you may not feel any better today than you did a week ago, but i can promisethat in a month or two you’ll look back and realize that each day you spent a bitless time thinking about your ex. sooner than later, you’ll be back to normal and completelyover your ex. thanks for watching…. if you have commentsor questions, please use the comments section

below and i’ll do my best to respond toyou personally. and finally, please take a moment to click the “like” button belowthis video if you found it helpful… and if you want more advice on recovering fromyour breakup or winning back your e’s heart, please subscribe to my youtube channel formore videos like this one. see you next time!


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