thoughts on broken relationship

thoughts on broken relationship

as-salamu alaikum qur'an weekly, we are on the twentieth juz now, alhamdulilah,we are in the twenty's, and this is surah al-qasas on one of my favorite ayat of thissurah, talking about the mother of musa (alayhi as-salam). i picked this ayah because it'sactually very close to my heart for many reasons, most important of which is, all human beingswill suffer emotionally traumatizing experiences. we're going to be hurt because of loved ones,because of the loss of loved ones, because of sickness, because of the pain our lovedones will cause us, like the hurtful things our parents will say to us or we will sayto our parents. or what our children will say to us, or the wife and the husband willsay to each other, or friends will say to each other.

and we're going to go throughtraumatic experiences in life, like you know, job loss or home loss, or even worse. howmany people in the world are living in really horrific situations that we cannot imaginesuffering? children going through things that i can't imagine my children even close tosuffering from. that's a reality that so many people face.this particular ayah, to me, is an ayah of great hope because when people get scarred,people get emotionally damaged, then they feel like they're never going to be able torecover and move on with life again. musa's mother had the colossal task of taking herbaby and putting the baby in the water. a mother has to put her child in the water.that's not even an imaginable thing a mother

can do. but she has two options, watch herchild be slaughtered by soldiers before her eyes, or take this child and put him in abasket which hasn't been tested for waterproof navigation by any means, and just throw himinto the river. and allah says, when she threw the baby into the river, by allah's inspiration,because she couldn't have gotten herself to do it emotionally. allah empowered her tobe able to do that. he says, ùˆùžø£ùžøµù’ø¨ùžø­ùž ùùø¤ùžø§ø¯ùø£ùù…ù‘ù ù…ùùˆø³ùžù‰ ùùžø±ùøºù‹ø§,(waasbaha fu-adu ommimoosa farighan), musa's mother's heart was emptied out, like the traumaof having to let go of her child, and watch the child float away into a river, and youcan't even access him anymore, and you don't even know what happened to him, if he drownedor not, if a gator got to him, if those horrible

soldiers caught him, if it flipped over. . . sheknows nothing. the worse thoughts may be crossing her mind. allah says her heart was emptiedout. ùùžø±ùøºù‹ø§ (farighan), her heart became emptied out, void of all emotion. youknow somebody hears traumatic news, and they don't blink, they don't talk, they're emotionallyparalyzed, that's the state she reached. ø¥ùù† ùƒùžø§ø¯ùžøªù’ù„ùžøªùø¨ù’ø¯ùù‰ø¨ùù‡ù,(in kadat latubdee bihi), she almost gave up her secret, she almost came out runningand saying "that's my baby, that's my baby!" but if she said that, he would've been allah says, ù„ùžùˆù’ù„ùžø¢ùžø£ùžù† ø±ù‘ùžø¨ùžø·ù’ù†ùžø§ ø¹ùžù„ùžù‰ ù‚ùžù„ù’ø¨ùù‡ùžø§, (laqlaan rabatnaaaala qalbiha), had we not firmed her heart, had we not tied up her heart, had we not kepther heart together. allah took her ùùø¤ùžø§ø¯ù

which is a heart that's inflamed, and in thesame ayah, he used a different word for ùùø¤ùžø§ø¯ù which is ù‚ùžù„ù’ø¨ù , he calmed her heartdown and brought her back to a normal state. and allah is describing that he did know there are people that are emotionally traumatized and can never recover. why not?because allah hasn't tied up their heart. allah hasn't done that. we as human beingsdon't have the ability to emotionally recover sometimes, but we're learning in this ayahthat allah has the ability to let us heal and move on. you could say to yourself, idon't have the emotional capability of forgiving you, but allah says i'll tie your heart, andi'll give you that ability. you can say in your heart, i'm too damaged by what happened,there's no way i can move on with my life,

but iman (faith) in allah is enough for youto be able to move on with your life. ù„ùžùˆù’ù„ùžø¢ùžø£ùžù† ø±ù‘ùžø¨ùžø·ù’ù†ùžø§ø¹ùžù„ùžù‰ ù‚ùžù„ù’ø¨ùù‡ùžø§, (laqlaan rabatna aaala qalbiha), had we not tied up her heart,ù„ùøªùžùƒùùˆù†ùž ù…ùù†ùž ø§ù„ù’ù…ùø¤ù’ù…ùù†ùùšù†ùž, (litakoonamina almu/mineen), so she couldbe from those who truly believe. what mother can get over the trauma of putting her childin the water and not being able to see anymore? how is she going to get over that? but allahgave the strength of heart that not only did she get over it, she was able to think clearlyafterwards and send his sister after him. she wouldn't have been able to think at allhad allah not intervened, so allah will intervene into our emotional states. he will intervene,and she's not a prophet, she's just a believer,

which means this is an opportunity for youand me. whatever emotional trauma you're going through, know that allah can intervene andgive you peace of mind, peace of heart, and he can give you tranquility again. whetherit's anxiety, fear, grief, or anger, whatever emotion, whatever thing has happened thatscarred you, that's left you scarred allah can remove that scar entirely.i pray that you are able to ask allah for that genuine removal of scar, and that allahgives you that firmness of heart so you can be of those who truly, truly believe, andcan live a healthy spiritual life, and a healthy emotional life. barakallahu li walakum, wa-salaamu alaikumwa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.


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