
thoughts on broken relationship

as-salamu alaikum qur'an weekly, we are on the twentieth juz now, alhamdulilah,we are in the twenty's, and this is surah al-qasas on one of my favorite ayat of thissurah, talking about the mother of musa (alayhi as-salam). i picked this ayah because it'sactually very close to my heart for many reasons, most important of which is, all human beingswill suffer emotionally traumatizing experiences. we're going to be hurt because of loved ones,because of the loss of loved ones, because of sickness, because of the pain our lovedones will cause us, like the hurtful things our parents will say to us or we will sayto our parents. or what our children will say to us, or the wife and the husband willsay to each other, or friends will say to each other. and we're going to go throughtraumatic experiences in life, like you know, job loss or home loss, or even worse. howmany people in the world are living in really horrific situations that we cannot imaginesuffering? children...

things to do when your heart is broken

as-salamu alaikum qur'an weekly, we are on the twentieth juz now, alhamdulilah,we are in the twenty's, and this is surah al-qasas on one of my favorite ayat of thissurah, talking about the mother of musa (alayhi as-salam). i picked this ayah because it'sactually very close to my heart for many reasons, most important of which is, all human beingswill suffer emotionally traumatizing experiences. we're going to be hurt because of loved ones,because of the loss of loved ones, because of sickness, because of the pain our lovedones will cause us, like the hurtful things our parents will say to us or we will sayto our parents. or what our children will say to us, or the wife and the husband willsay to each other, or friends will say to each other. and we're going to go throughtraumatic experiences in life, like you know, job loss or home loss, or even worse. howmany people in the world are living in really horrific situations that we cannot imaginesuffering? children...

there was a time when i was so broken hearted

♪ in the night ihear them talk, ♪ ♪ the coldest story ever told, ♪ ♪ somewhere faralong this road ♪ ♪ he lost his soul, ♪ ♪ to a woman soheartless.. heartless ♪ ♪ how could you beso heartless.. oh ♪ ♪ how could yoube so heartless ♪ ♪ how could you be so ♪ ♪ cold as the winterwind when it breeze yo ♪ ♪ just remember thatyou talking to me yo ♪ ♪ you need to watch theway you talking to me yo ♪ ♪ i mean after all the thingsthat we been through ♪ ♪ i mean after all thethings we got into ♪ ♪ and yo i know some thingsyou things ♪ ♪ that you aint told me ♪ ♪ ayo i did some thingsbut thats the old me ♪ ♪ and now youwanna get me back ♪ ♪ you gon' show me ♪ ♪ so you walk aroundlike you don't me ♪ ♪ you got a new friend ♪ ♪ well i got homies ♪ ♪ but at the end itsstill so lonely ♪ ♪ how could you be so dr. evil ♪ ♪ you bringing out a side of ♪ ♪ me that i don't know, ♪ ♪ i decide...

the lord heals the brokenhearted

hey guys. shina here from shi walks withgod. thanks so much for tuning in and finding my channel. today i'm going to betalking about how to heal from heartbreak. my own experience withheartbreak was last year. i was engaged and it did not work out. up until this point in my life that wasby far the hardest thing i've ever had to go through. every single person hasthat initial time where it's the hardest. when it just happened and you are justa wreck. i know for me there were some days that were a high and some days youfeel really emotional and really low there are some days that looked likethis! that's awkward. sometimes you just have thosemoments. i know you guys know what i'm talking about. you know what i'm talkingabout. you've been there. maybe it wasn't thatextreme but you have to let those emotions out. another thing that's reallyimportant to remember is that it's okay to not be okay sometimes you just have to admit thatyou're not o...

the broken heart

so you're the one with the broken heart, looking for a brand new start? but i'm here and i'm hurting to, can't you see it's not all you you use to act so insecure, was it really me you were looking foror is it just your point of view, i can't love nothing's wrong with you but sometimes you can't be with the one you want to be with so if you can hear me through that broken heart you're not the only one in the dark but sometimes i wish i could tell, when the future brings this hell, but i'm sorry i'm not a mind reader, you have no clue what's in my head. oh oh oh so i decide to go our separate ways and you go and you cry for days but girl i still care for you but you don't think that this is true but i tried to make this last, but you moved on to fast so i moved far and i moved far away, but girl i hope one day that.... you will forgive and you will accept, and look past these tears you've wept... my scars are open and i'm ...

symptoms of a broken heart

hey guys. dr. axe here. doctor of functionalmedicine and founder of in this video, i'm going to share with you the toptips on how to heal broken bones naturally. and if you want to repair broken bones naturally,you want to follow a very specific diet, supplement regimen, lifestyle regimen, as well as usecertain essential oils and natural treatments to help your body heal much, much faster.and i'll tell you, i've seen broken bones heal two to three times faster by followingthe tips i'm sharing with you in this video. so number one, let's start with diet, andthe key nutrients you've got to be getting in your diet in order to heal broken bones.number one, you need a lot of minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. the best calcium richfoods are going to be green, leafy vegetables and raw, fermented dairy products. so gettinga lot of kale, and spinach, and arugula, and chard and those green leafies, even broccoli.getting those in your diet is numbe...

symptoms of a broken heart girl

>>wilbur: death. deceaseness. life no longerhappening. these are all things that happen to people due to sickness, and disease orgetting hit by buses. but did you know that these aren’t the only things that can killyou? yeah, there are literally billions of other things that can kill you but thanksto science a new thing can kill you too! find out how here because you’re watching sourcefed. [music] >> wilbur: hi, i’m william haynes. that’smy lower third. recently scientists and researchers discovered that it’s actually possible todie of a broken heart. they believe that going through such trauma such as the lost of aloved one can cause your immune system to weaken. you know what happens when your immune systemweakens: you get sick, and you know what happens to people when they get sick sometimes: theydie. they believe that due to this research it proves how often widows and widowers dieright after their spouses even though appearing to be healthy. the universi...