breaking up with a married man

breaking up with a married man

absence makes the heart grow fonder...or sowe’re told. but let’s face it: absence only works if your guy is actually missingyou during that time. so how can you make sure that his mind is on you even when hishand isn’t in yours? my name is amy north, i’m a relationshipcoach from vancouver, bc and today i’m going to share with you some powerful, proven tipsfor making your man miss you. it doesn’t matter if it’s a longstandingrelationship you’re trying to spice up, a recent breakup you’re trying to undo,an argument with your man that you’re trying to resolve, or you’re trying to pin downyour dream guy, making him miss you is the secret ingredient in your love, what i’m going to share with you today

are some proven ways to make the guy you’remiss you. before i do though, i just want to quickly say that if you enjoy this videoand would like more dating tips for women then subscribe to my youtube channel and checkout my other videos. now without further adieu, let’s get started!1. leave on a high note. nothing will leave you lingering on your man’smind like when you part ways on a high note. and this is especially true if your relationshiphas been shaky lately. when you and your man leave each other onunpleasant or overly serious terms, there’s a good chance that the time he spends awayfrom you will be full of questions about whether or not he’s better off without you. insteadof giving him the chance to question your

relationship, make him miss you by leavingcheerfully, with hugs, kisses, laughter and promises to reunite soon.2. by mysterious. when you’re trying to woo a guy leavinga little mystery is one of the best ways to ensure that he’s still thinking of you onceyou’re out of sight. so instead of pouring your heart out or letting him in on all yourthoughts and secrets, choose to hold back in little ways, and avoid the classic pitfallof oversharing. if he asks you questions about your past,be coy, but not annoyingly so. answer his questions honestly, but don’t dish out loadsof information. a little ambiguity is the best way to make him want to spend more timewith you.

if you want to find out more ways to keepyour guy thinking about you then hop on over to my website and check out my full lengthvideo presentation. the url is , but i’ll be sure to post it in the descriptionbelow. 3. highlight the fun parts of your this doesn’t mean that you should spend all of your time trying to prove that yourlife is a wonderland, because if you do, he’ll smell your bluff. instead, just be positive.tell him about the amazing concert you went to, the new sushi joint you tried, or thecrazy night you had out with your girlfriends. fun stories like this, as opposed to moaningabout negative issues, prove that you’re a great person to be around whether or nothe’s there, and believe me, he’ll want

to be there.this is a solid tactic to use after a breakup when you’re trying to show him how muchduller his life is without you around, and it can also show him how breaking up won’tbe the end of your life. 4. be good in this one is a bit smutty, but trust me, if you know how to rock his world betweenthe sheets he’ll be missing you in no time! if you’re in a long distance relationshipthan this can especially be true because your man is going to need something to get himthrough those long, lonely nights. being a sex goddess won’t only having him missingyou, but he’ll also want only you. i mean, why would he throw away mind blowing sex fora fling that less than amazing?

if this sounds frightening, relax… the veryfact that you know what your guy likes and dislikes gives you a leg up on the possiblecompetition. if you want to learn some new tricks to spice up your sex life then and check out the free video presentation.5. show subtle interest in someone else did you know that in france a crime of passioncan get you off the hook for murder? well, that doesn’t fly in many other places, butjealousy is useful tool for making a guy think about you. so how do you use it to your advantage?jealousy is best used when you’re trying to get the attention of an ex-boyfriend ora guy who hasn’t yet committed to you, which is why it’s an amazing technique to makea man want or miss you.

to do so, shift your attention from your reallove interest to someone else. when you’re around that person make sure you’re dressedwell, laugh often, flirt lots and use gentle touches on hands and arms. in this case, youwant to display your so-called interest in this person for all to see. when the man youare wanting sees this it may be the push he needs to work on winning you back. a wordto the wise, don’t over do it. 6. leave him wanting more.the best way to get a guy to miss you, whether he just met you or you’ve been togetherfor years, is to leave him wanting more. more kisses, more stories, more laughter, morecreativity, more of your mother’s amazing secret meatball recipe, more dirty talk, whateverit is, just leave him wanting more.

by letting him know that he can look forwardto the same treatment the next time he sees you, he’ll be eager to see you again andwill miss you in-between. 7. cut off contact if you are constantly calling and textingthe man you’re into then he won’t have any time to think about missing you. takea break from the daily phone time and wait for him to call or text. when you stop callingor texting he’ll wonder why, and this will cause him to start thinking about and missingyou. if you're someone who is constantly updatingsocial media with your activities then try limiting how much you post so that he reallyfeels the burn of no contact. social media

posts are an easy way for people to stay connectedand never feel like they’re missing you. when you post less, your guy will start tomiss learning about what’s going on in your life.8. look your best still wondering how to make him miss you?here’s an easy one: look good. not to sound shallow, but if you and your guy just brokeup and there’s still a chance you might get back together then looking fantastic isone of the best way to do it. to do this, workout, wear flattering clothes,show off your sexy assets, do your hair, makeup and anything else that makes you feel goodabout yourself. enhancing your natural beauty not only makes you more physically attractive,it also gives you appealing confidence that

will make him miss you even more.9. be your own woman one of the best ways to make him miss youis to stop depending on him for your happiness. by showing him that you’re happily pursuingyour own personal commitments, hobbies, interests and friendships you’ll be on his mind morethan you can imagine. be your own woman. well that’s all for this video, i hope youcan take some of these ideas and put them into action so that your guy starts missingyou! if you have any questions about how or whento use these tips then feel free to post in the comments below and i’ll do my best toanswer you. again, if you’d like to check out some more of my videos or learn more datingtips for women you can do so by subscribing

to my always thanks so much for watching and until next time, take care!


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