dealing with a broken heart

dealing with a broken heart

the two broken heart quotes that will saveyour life after a break-up hi i'm eddie corbano. welcome to another editionof "exdetox - how to get your ex out of your system". today i am going to share two very upliftingand inspiring quotes with you which i hope will empower you, and give you a new perspectiveto your breakup. they will give your recovery a definitive direction because of the fundamentaltruth they are stating, so please pay close attention. why is it that we are so fascinated by quotes? when i suffered from my own breakup, i foundinspirational breakup quotes very comforting

because they made me realize that i wasn’talone out there - my pain was shared by millions of people all around the world. and it’s also helpful to see another angle.quotes help us to understand what we may already know, but refuse to believe. so, inspirational quotes after a breakup makeus feel less lonely, they show us the unmasked truth, and give us comfort in troubling times. the first quote that i wanted to share withyou is from the bestselling author john green, and it really makes us realize how importantit is to actually embrace the pain rather than to try to ignore it or minimize it.

it goes like this: "the good times and the bad times both willpass. it will pass. it will get easier. but the fact that it will get easier does notmean that it doesn’t hurt now. and when people try to minimize your pain they aredoing you a disservice. and when you try to minimize your own pain you’re doing yourselfa disservice. don’t do that. the truth is that it hurts because it’s real. it hurtsbecause it mattered. and that’s an important thing to acknowledge to yourself. but thatdoesn’t mean that it won’t end, that it won’t get better. because it will." - johngreen isn't that a fantastic quote to hear aftera breakup? it does away with all the bad advice

you've most likely been getting from well-meaningfriends lately, like for example: "everything passes" or"time will heal all wounds" or "in a year from now you won't even rememberwho they are" this really doesn't help at all. because foryou, the pain is real. you don't care about what it will be like in a year, the pain ishere now. this quote helps us to understand that thepain is there because the relationship was important to us, and that we need to go throughthis pain in order to get the most out of it... in order to heal and recover. the other inspirational quote i wanted toshare today is kind of a reminder - a reminder

to stay yourself during a relationship, andalso after a breakup. it goes like this: "people think that the most painful thingin life is losing the one you value, the truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourselfin the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too." let me tell you one thing: you are an amazing,unique and beautiful person and you can never... ever lose the very thing that makes you special.not in a long-term relationship, not when you are single, not when you recover aftera breakup... never ever. because you are important. don't allow anyoneto tell you otherwise... you are important. and that is what you have to remember throughoutall your recovery and beyond... you must never

lose your self. .... so, to sum it up, after a breakup you haveto accept the pain and realize that it's there because your ex mattered to you. do not tryto minimize it, do not try to numb it. i know it's difficult to do that but try to see thesilver lining... even if the pain may be unbearable at times. and always stay true to who you really are.if you lost your self during the relationship, do reconnection work to discover who you reallyare, but take that as a ground rule: always stay true to yourself.

so, that's it for today. if you found thisuseful, please subscribe to my youtube channel, give me a thumbs up for this video and pleaseleave a comment. and if you need more detailed help, subscribeto my free newsletter now at exdetoxsystem dot com. see you there. free yourself. live limit-less. your coach eddie corbano


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