coping after a break up

coping after a break up

all right, now let's talk about somethingthat you may want to do, you may already be doing. and, i'm going to tell you, don't doit. and that is rebound. and what i'm talking about is a rebound relationship. what thatis, is, i've immediately broken up with someone, they've broken up with me, i haven't evenhad time to assess what went wrong. i haven't even had time to heal any emotions, or feelings,or thoughts. but, man i'm going to start dating that guy, like in two weeks. or, i might evenmarry him in three months, after you know, we just broke up. that's where rebound relationshipis. and, why rebound relationships are bad, is you, because you've never even dealt withthat initial relationship. you're just moving on to someone else, and i can pretty muchguarantee you, whether you are aware of it

or not, whether it's a conscious thing ornot. you're going to move on to the exact same type of person, the exact same type ofproblems, most of the time. either that, or you're going to move on to somebody that isjust so, so not right, so not a good thing. but it's that, all those feelings of lonelinessand depression, and all of that, you don't even acknowledge it. you move right on tosomebody else, so that you can feel good again, without ever having to deal with this oneover here. ninety nine percent of rebound relationships, do not work. and, then whathappens after that relationship works, does not work, then all of a sudden, now you'vegot these two failed relationships that you have to deal with. so, it's better, just todeal with the break up, and then when you're

over that, when you've healed through that,then move on to somebody else. don't jump into a new relationship.


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