dealing with breakup

dealing with breakup

hi, this is brad browning, and in this video,i’m going to be talking about how to act around your ex. so you broke up with yourex but you’re still constantly hanging around with them. this isn’t actually somethingthat i recommend doing. normally it’s better to completely ignore your ex for a while afterthe breakup, but sometimes the situation requires you to see your ex on a regular basis. andthat can be a very awkward and unfortunate situation, especially if you still have athing for your ex. but before you panic or break down, i have some tips on how to actwhen you’re around your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.number one: always be calm, cool, and collected. many of the men and women i counselled tellme that they break down whenever they’re

around their ex. this sort of behavior willdefinitely negatively impact their chances of him or her back, so you need to conveyto your ex that you’re completely indifferent. number two: don’t be mean to your ex. alot of people will feel resentful after a breakup – especially if it was a messy one.but if you want to have a good relationship with your ex and possibly have a chance ofgetting them back, then you can’t be mean to them. doing so will only alienate yourex and he or she won’t ever want to spend any time with you. now if your breakup wasmessy and your ex is still holding on to some hard feelings, then you may need to take somesteps to reconcile with them before you do anything else. for tips on how to do that,just watch the free video at my website

and i’ll talk more about that there.tip number three: just like i said earlier not to be mean to your ex, don’t be toonice either. if you’re too nice to your ex, he or she will get the idea that you wantthem back. and if you actually want your ex back, then you probably know from watchingmy other videos, this is not the way to go about it. you have to act indifferent. sodon’t be too mean and don’t be too happy. tip number four: don’t bring up anythingserious. remember, you’re not together anymore, so there’s no reason to start unnecessarydrama. drama will only push your ex further and further away. just like in point numberone, you’ve got to remain cool and remain civil when you’re around your ex-boyfriendor ex-girlfriend.

number five: this is really important. havefun with your ex. while you shouldn’t be paying too much attention to your ex, there’sno reason to have a bad time. be jovial and your ex will really appreciate it, and ifyou’re trying to get your ex back, you should also be flirting with your ex as well. remember,the reason why he or she doesn’t want you back is because they’ve lost their attractionfor you. you have to reignite that attraction and flirting is one of the best ways to dothat and rebuild that attraction. and finally number six: act happy. rememberyou’re trying to your ex that everything is okay. they’re not going to feel verygood if you’re desperate and depressed. that will just repel them away and hurt yourchances of getting back together. instead,

cheer up and convey to your ex-girlfriendor ex-boyfriend that your life is in order and everything is going great. even if you’renot happy, just pretend. put on a happy face. if your goal is to attract your ex back intoyour life, then being sad or depressed isn’t going to work. human beings are hardwiredto be drawn towards happy and positive people. okay, so hopefully these tips will leave youbetter prepared for any interaction with your ex. if you have a unique situation or youwant some advice on what to do in your particular scenario, just leave a comment below thisvideo and i’ll do my best to answer your question. also please take a second to likethis video and subscribe to my youtube channel for more advice videos. thanks for watchingand good luck!


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