broken heart disease

broken heart disease

which of our neighbors can you reach inless time than it takes to drive to work? that's the one. east timor is only anhour's flight from darwin, a place with deep historical links to australia. even some of the landscape looks thesame. yet it is one of the poorest countriesin asia. tthings are improving but the people need a hand. young people who represent the country'sfuture are suffering and dying because of untreated heart disease. with noavailable specialist cardiac care, many face a life blighted by terriblesymptoms followed by an early death.

is that what we want for our neighbours?since 2010 east timor hearts fund has provided local health screening andworld-class cardiac care in australia for dozens of young timorese. withnewfound health they can return to school university or work and contributeto their families community and country. we know our approach works. independentresearch shows that every dollar invested in our program returns ninedollars in social and health benefits. and now we plan to tackle the root causeof poor heart health with research and preventive programs. we're here to support our neighbors ineast timor as they continue to develop

their health system. at east timor hearts fund we know wecan't fix all the world's problems but together we can help fix this one. to learn more about how we are mendingbroken hearts visit today.


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