this dnews episode is brought to you by broken heart? here’s a tip: take two aspirin,and don’t call me in the morning. hey guys, tara here for dnews - and anyonewho’s ever been through a big breakup, knows just how awful they can be. you don’t eat,you don’t sleep, everything sucks - but what can you do? well, according to walter mischel, a psychologyprofessor at columbia - all you have to do, is pop a couple aspirin. seems almost tooeasy. but as controversial as his theory is, it does have a somewhat solid basis in science. multiple mri studies have shown that the partof your brain that gets activated when you experience feelings of romantic rejection,is the same area of your brain that processes physical pain. which is why mischel recommendsthat heartbreak be treated like any other injury. it sounds ridiculous, but again - there isevidence that simple painkillers can help people deal with feelings of rejection. scientists at ucla conducted a study recently,wh...
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