
cracked heart

first thing not think :p lol

coping with a breakup

hi i'm ajanta from innersight counseling. today i'm going to talk about dating rules, breakup and heartache. couples break up for a variety of reasons there are, there is no one type of onereason but i think one of the main reasons is somewhere feeling a lackof connection you hear a lot of couples, saying i don't feeling connected anymore, i can't relate to theperson anymore. i think somewhere, just not beingable to talk openly about expectations from relationships is one of the mainreasons the other is i think lack of honesty,lack of transparency in relationships a complete sometimes ignoranceabout what the other person needs or expectations in a relationship. so these i would say are the primary reasons for break ups and dating relationships. i think rejectionis one emotion which is never easy to deal with. just remember that rejection is about loss, it's aboutrejection is related to loss, you're, it's related to grief, so it needs time, it needs some...

coping after a break up

all right, now let's talk about somethingthat you may want to do, you may already be doing. and, i'm going to tell you, don't doit. and that is rebound. and what i'm talking about is a rebound relationship. what thatis, is, i've immediately broken up with someone, they've broken up with me, i haven't evenhad time to assess what went wrong. i haven't even had time to heal any emotions, or feelings,or thoughts. but, man i'm going to start dating that guy, like in two weeks. or, i might evenmarry him in three months, after you know, we just broke up. that's where rebound relationshipis. and, why rebound relationships are bad, is you, because you've never even dealt withthat initial relationship. you're just moving on to someone else, and i can pretty muchguarantee you, whether you are aware of it or not, whether it's a conscious thing ornot. you're going to move on to the exact same type of person, the exact same type ofproblems...

can the heart heal

can the mind really heal the body? and if so, is thereany scientific evidence to convince skeptical physicians like me? these are the questions that fueledthe last few years of my research and what i discoveredis that the scientific community, the medical establishment,has being proving for over 50 years, that the mind can heal the body. we call it the "placebo effect". and we've been tryingto outsmart it for decades. (laughter) the placebo effect is a thorn in the sideof the medical establishment. it's an inconvenient truth,that gets in between, trying to bring new treatments, newsurgeries into the medical establishment. so it's a problem!supposedly. but i actually think,this is really good news! the placebo effect is excellent news! because it's concrete evidence that the body holds within itinnate self-repair mechanisms that can make unthinkablethings happen to the body. so, if you find this surprising, if you have a hard time believingthat the body c...


cheating is a crime, it happens every daythere are people running around, sound they'll have to paythink nobody's watching, but you better think againanother heart is broken, by the devils oldest sin so broken hearted, strangulating pain insidebroken hearted, waiting for the tears to dry so broken hearted, hoping for the sun to shinebroken hearted , if you want to pay, be prepared to pay... yeah cross your heart and tell a lie, stick a needlein your eye for some beloved a promisetell the whole world why why why so you're sorry and you're crying aint sympathyin sin so don't get caught red handed , in a gemeyou just cant win broken hearted , broken hearted .....

broken relationship

hey guys! welcome to my home this is a bit of a different change of setting i know... i'm usually posting up videos where i'm in weird and crazy locations with crazy people in the background. that this is my home so i wanted to try out something different. if you do like it make sure to leave a like in the thing below, if you don't like it below, if you don't have an opinion either way make sure to leave a like and the thing below. yeah! so more and more people i'm finding are learning to settle in their relationships and what i mean by settling is that they get to a point and they don't want to be disappointed but they don't want to be too disappointed so they decide it's easier to stay in a relationship rather than working on it... and the more i meet people and the more i find more about people it's very interesting to see that there's this common situation that happens. they get into a relationship with someone either whatever form (it ...

broken hearts heal

because time will heal a broken heart.... ....but not that b*tch's window. run!