how can u mend a broken heart

how can u mend a broken heart

hi this is jeffrey with jeffrey slayter tv and together we aredesigning, defining, decoding a business and life that works for you andtoday's question comes from the infamous all-knowing google. this is the numberone question or top three of being questioned on google that is asked inthe google search term in the united states and it is this how do you mend abroken heart? well google that's a good question'cause all of us as human beings have experienced a broken heart in some sortof capacity whether it be a loss of a pet, a loss of a loved one or a loss of agirlfriend or relationship or anything of that nature or a loss of just as justa loss

creating a broken heart i think everyhuman being has experienced something like that unless of course they have noheart which there probably aren't even human but that's another conversation sohow do you mend a broken heart i can only share with you my experience ofthat and i'm not the best at it because it's not easy at times but i can tellyou is always a silver lining in the other side a gift on the other side butif you're asking this question which is the number one question out there youprobably are probably hurting so the first thing to acknowledges that you're hurtand sad and it's frustrating and and you're not alone and that that the morewe avoid the hurt in our bodies the more

we cannot heal it saw what we feel wecan heal and so to feel the hurt that exists in the broken heart is the firststep is to actually feel it and acknowledges so what are ways to do that slow down relax time when happens we try and get very very busy toavoid the overall experience of her exist within ourselves we get busy beingbusy we get busy going out we get busy seeing friends we get busy recently beendrinking is what people do to avoid the emotional experience for all you'redoing is prolonging the healing process that exists your body knows how to useit if you can actually feel it so once

you feel it you can begin to heal it andi would suggest bath with what's called magnesium so this is magnesium that you can put in the bath which helps you process neurologically the cells in your bodyof the healing process so a warm bath with magnesium allows you to go throughthat time with mother nature number two as well so your feet in the ground yourfeet when mother nature support you also suggest as well to get more sleep thanthan than the normal there's a lot of processing goes on in our sleep and togive yourself a break with me if you need a little more rest during thosetimes to process the information and of course more water than normal processingand drinking clean water could support

you through the natural healing processthat actually goes on now most important is being around a positive environmentso so surrounding yourself with positive people people that are upliftingconversations are uplifting use it as a catalyst is broken heart we're going to use his moments ascatalysts to open even more as we know in the end we'll love a lot of deeperonce this happens we'll have to have deeper crevices in our hearts to be ableto hold and contain more we're exponentially expanding we break our heartswe're expanding and breaking hearts open to contain more love and forgiveness withourselves and others as well by doing

that and when we slow down and we allow ourhearts to open more and more we contain more love for ourselves and everyonearound us and perhaps it's a time to reflect on and look at that perhaps tolook at the shadow areas of our lives in areas that are that we may not bewilling to look at to reflect on yourself in a relationshipor in that particular experience of that broken-hearted experience and look athow you could have been better or more effective as a lesson going forward willsay that lastly time in the ocean can be very healing as well i've discovered formyself so time surfing, time in the ocean in a very nurturing experience as wellbut this perhaps might be the time to

where you will break break into a newdomain in your life and step forward in into that strength the normal cycles isas you go through it is you break when your heart is broken is experience of denialand then loss and sadness in this and handsome anger and they're notnecessarily linear they pop up at different times when that anger kicks inthe usual breath harness that anger and use it to build something or movesomething forward in your life we've all experienced a broken heart at one point in our life and and allthere is to do is it's it's a part of the human to human experience that idon't wish for anybody but at the same

time those are those moments that grow us ,and shape us and so sometimes our hearts they are we are being pounded over andover and in order to become the strength of our hearts and unbreakable strengthof love that we have within us so perhaps it's actually a strengtheningprocess that you're going to a broken heart it's not necessarily a brokenheart it's an expanded heart to include more of your original innocence as a human being individual innocence of others and tolet go and forgive yourself because there's nothing did not even need to forgive inthe first place because we as human beings are inherently innocent as human beingsand and that is our original existence

and we've always been internal and wealways will and more and more as we grow into ourselves we step into the gift ofan open heart. so on my website you can go to there are thousands ofdocumentaries business knowledge as well to take gifts of your heart andbreathing life into this world a new level you can subscribe and likeall kinds resources there and look forward to seeing you take care bye-bye


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