how to get over a boyfriend

how to get over a boyfriend

heya playa, it's monday here on the josh speaksand i want to ask you a simple question. have you ever been in a relationship with someonethat you thought you truly loved only to have them break your heart? and as you sit therecrying and crying over your lost partner you're secretly plotting revenge. and that's whattoday's episode is about. cause i'm gonna teach you how to get revenge on your ex. anyway,the first way to do it is to make them hate you. a very simple way to make someone hateyou is to go out with one of their best friends. because the worst thing to think about issomeone that you know, someone that you grew up with, someone that you've been friendswith for years plowing out your ex girl. but josh, what if their friends are all ugly?no problem, we got it. you just find a devilishly

looking handsome stranger to take the placeas your boy toy in front of them. jealousy is a really simple human emotion to understand.people want what they can't have and to see you with someone else is totally gonna destroytheir world. go home, get all dolled up and take that boy toy with you to somewhere he'sgoing to be and have an awesome fucking time in front of him. even if he's there with hisnew girlfriend he's still gonna look over at you and think wow, she's having a bettertime than i am. i really miss her. but don't take my word for it, here's my amazing friendcaroline to tell you the scoop. what makes me madder than mad as horrible as this isgoing to sound is seeing someone move on. they'll turn around in that angry little,oh my god i can't believe that person isn't

thinking about me, isn't devoting every secondto me and then they'll start to move forward and after that you just keep living. the secondway to get revenge on your ex is to have them want you. what i mean by that is to get backwith that person and make them truly love you. because once they fall in love again,you got hand. and just like driving a car you now have control over that passengerslife. you can use them, abuse them and lose them. bring them to the lowest point in theirlife where they feel like they need you or else they can't live and then step on theirbones. it sucks to be completely dependent on a person. to feel like your life has novalue unless they're there. that's why i completely recommend it if you want to crush them. butdon't take my word for it, let's get a female

opinion, caroline what have you got to say?regardless of whether you walked away or they walked away, it's over for a reason you know?and definitely if they're meant to come back into your life they will come back into yourlife but the thing is you can't sit there and waste your time plotting like little waysto manipulate the situation because they just makes you as sad as they are for leaving inthe first place, you know what i mean. but of course the very best way to get revengeon someone is to let them forget you. if you've ever seen the count of monte cristo, you'llremember the part where edmond was forced to take control of his own life. before thegreat change in his life he was a boy in love and after the great change he became a man.and what was so interesting was that the girl

he loved couldn't even recognize him. he madeso many changes in his life that he was a new person. but to tie it back to the lessonhere, that the best revenge is success. the best revenge is success. the best revengeis success. you, there, weeping about your ex boyfriend or girlfriend. move on. don'tlet someone control your reality. you're better than that you know it. trust me, if you focuson things that'll bring positive changes in your life you won't care what they're doingwith their time. and whether or not they become jealous or bitter, it doesn't matter. andthe reason it doesn't matter is because you'll have successfully moved on to better things.bring it home caroline. and that's the best thing that you could do is to force that personto get over you. potentially because that's

what going to happen anyway. when two peoplebreak up the whole point is to move forward and do your own thing. and if you can givethe person the freedom to do that and they know that you're giving it to them, there'sno better revenge than that. make them hate you, have them want you but let them forgetyou. like this video if you agree that the best revenge is success. leave a comment ifyou don't. tell me, what's the best way to get revenge on your ex? and subscribe to thechannel so you can see more super cool videos. as always guys, love and peace. there wasthis one girl in high school that i really really liked and nothing destroyed my worldmore than to see her with other guys. one day she told me she was going on a date withthis guy after school so i decided to walk

her to every single one of her classes thinkingi would change her mind. and i was crushed when i saw her meet up with the guy afterschool. so trust me, nothing hurts more than seeing the person you like with someone else.and if you're in those shoes you gotta learn to cut them out of your life and move forward.thank you caroline for inspiring me to make this video and for being awesome.


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