how to get back with my girlfriend

how to get back with my girlfriend

hello everyone – my name is brad browningand i’m a relationship coach from vancouver, canada. in this video, i’m going to talkabout how to make your ex girlfriend fall in love with you again. before i get started,you need to know that you simply can’t manufacture “love”. a famous relationship guru bythe name of david deangelo once said that “attraction isn’t a choice.” it wouldbe nice to be so ridiculously attractive that you could just pick and choose any girl youwanted to have a long, lasting, and loving relationship with. but unfortunately, forthe vast majority of guys out there, it isn’t that easy. sometimes, the woman you fall inlove with just won’t love you back… and it hurts.

but what if i told you that you could rewindthe clock and go back to a much happier time when you ex girlfriend was madly in love withyou? well, it’s quite possible. in fact, not only is making your ex girlfriend fallingin love with again possible, but with the right guidance, you can even build a longerlasting relationship with her once you do get her back into your life. can i guaranteeyou that these tips and tricks will work? well, unfortunately not, but i do promisethat if you follow my advice, you’ll have the best chance possible at a second chance. so without further ado, here are a few tipsthat will make your ex girlfriend fall in love with you again. and believe me, thesetips work if you apply them properly and don’t

make any mistakes along the way. step #1 – just let go of your ex girlfriend it’s a tough pill to swallow right now,but this is the most necessary step towards getting your ex to fall in love with you again.see, when a woman chooses to break up with you, it means she’s lost that “fire”that she used to have for you. and once that spark and fire has faded, there’s nothingyou can say to get it back (at least not right now). you have to accept that. i mean… thereis no fuel that you can metaphorically “throw into the fire” when there’s no fire tobegin with! you’re going to have to accept that gettingher back is going to be a gradual process

with many steps, and this period of “lettinggo” is the first step. step #2 – start fresh you’re going to have to press the resetbutton on everything. that means you’re going to have to erase all the bad memoriesyour ex girlfriend has of you and replace them with new ones – better ones. there are several ways you can do this, butone of the most well known ways to do this is just to start acting more confident andindependent. once your ex sees the “new you,” all those negative traits that youwere portraying directly after the break up will go away and she’ll begin to look atyou in a more positive light.

remember, you possessed all of these positivetraits when your ex girlfriend fell in love with you, but ever since you and your girlfriendbroke up, you began displaying negative traits. you need to slowly and carefully bring thoseold traits back to the surface. caution: this is where many men go overboardand end up actually pushing their ex away further… so be careful, and don’t seemtoo eager to talk to your ex and show off your positive qualities. if you’re not surewhat qualities attracted her and made her fall in love with you in the first place,my program includes a comprehensive list of “universally attractive qualities”. ifyou’re interested in picking up a copy, just go to and watch the videopresentation right there.

step #3 – start to plant “emotional seeds”in her head when you’ve begun to change your ex girlfriendsnegative perception of you, it’s time to slowly send her psychological messages thatyou’re still that attractive, bold, and charismatic guy she remembered when you twofirst met. you’ll want to send her a message to set up an in-person meeting. but the importantthing here is that you need to pose as just a friend. if she thinks you want to get togetherromantically, she’ll likely say no, so you need to come up with something else. thereare several excuses you can make to meet her – tell her you need travel advice becauseyou’re planning a trip to spain, ask her about interior design because you’re remodellingyour kitchen, etc. choose an excuse that’s

applicable to her and your situation. finally, when you do meet up with her, you’llneed to show her a good time. make her laugh. tell her stories. flirt with her and finally,seduce her. pretend that she is a girl that you just met and keep things feeling new becauseright now, your ex is sick of the old. step #4 – sleep with your ex girlfriend as soon as you’re able to, have sex withyour ex girlfriend. once you’re able to achieve this, it’s on! you’ll have nearlyno problem making the rest fall into place. to help you with this, here are some basicseduction tips that will help you achieve this goal…

• start touching her. hold her hand.• be cool and relaxed. • laugh a lot and joke around.• look good (and smell good). remember that once you sleep with her, don’tassume that you’re back together. just pretend you want to be friends with benefits at firstand let her bring up the topic of getting back together. step #5 – get as much good advice as possible aka, get helpful advice from me, personally!although i do have a best-selling e-book on the topic, sometimes it’s best to get personalcoaching from a guy who knows his stuff. i’ve been a breakup expert for over 10 years andi’ve helped thousands of men get their ex

back. will you be my next success story? formore information on how you can sign up for my personal coaching program, head over that’s to sign up for my one-on-one, private e-mailcoaching program. anyways, that’s all the time that i havefor today. if you liked this video, then please give it a thumbs up! it really helps me to you soon!


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