how to get over heartbreak

how to get over heartbreak

there are few feelings that come close tothe one you feel after a breakup. from heartache and tears, to reminiscing andregret, or perhaps even liberation and freedom.. whatever the feeling, how do can you get overyour ex, fast? hey ladies, welcome to my youtube channel. my name is amy north, i’m a relationshipcoaching from vancouver bc and today i’m going to share with you the tips you needfor getting over your ex. before i jump into things i just want to askthat if you like what you learn here today then please subscribe to my channel and checkout my other dating advice videos. now then, let’s get started.

the first thing you’ll want to do aftera breakup is remove any and all reminders of your ex. this means photos of you two together, cutenotes, gifts he gave you, the list goes on and on. now in some cases it’ll be harder to removeall reminders, especially if you two lived together and split on things like furnitureor art, but where possible, tuck anything that reminds you of him aside. this doesn’t mean you have to throw themin the trash, but rather find a box or bag to stash them in and tuck that away in yourcloset or under your bed.

once you’re over your ex you can open thatbag or box and decide what you do and don’t want to keep. until then try to keep it out of sight, outof mind. at this time you’ll also want to deleteyour ex’s phone number. now you may be thinking, “amy, there isno way i’m going to call or text my ex. i don’t need to delete his number…” no disrespect, but i don’t buy it. the thing is, you may be feeling strong andsecure in this moment, but you will undoubtedly have moments where nostalgia comes creepingin and you start to miss you ex.

who knows, maybe you have a lonely night andstart recalling all the good things you shared together and temporarily block out of thebad. either way it’s best to cut out any temptationto prevent those possibilities from even happening. if you’re worried that you might need hisnumber in the future, or think that down the road you’d like to reach out to him, thenwrite it down and give it to a friend for safekeeping. be sure that your friend knows not to giveit to you until you’re fully over him and the relationship. next, make a list of all the things you hatedabout your ex boyfriend and all the things

he did or said that angered or upset you. in other words, the things you won’t miss. for instance, maybe he had a habit of interruptingyou, or perhaps he blew off your friends. maybe you didn’t like his style or the factthat he wasn’t good with budgeting his money. whatever it is (and i’m sure there are thingsor you would probably still be together), write them down. you don’t have to show anyone this listso allow yourself to be completely open and honest here. then, any time you’re feeling down or missingyour ex pull out the list and read through

it to remind yourself that he wasn’t perfectand there are many ways in which you’re better off without him. brilliant, right? my next tip for getting over your ex is onethat so many people overlook, and that’s to allow yourself to move through each emotion. there’s no denying that breakups are emotional,and even if you end things on good terms, chances are you’ll still have your shareof waterworks at some point or another. and that’s totally okay… as long as youdon’t let your emotions get the best of you.

this means that it’s completely fine tospend the first couple days after a breakup mourning your loss, but if this kind of behaviourlasts more than a day or two, then you may be prolonging your heartache instead of healingit. give yourself 48 hours to feel sorry for yourselfand do whatever helps you cope. once that time has passed it’s time foryou to also pass on the past. to learn how to let go of your feelings andmove on to be any man’s dream women check out my site and watch thefree video presentation. so then, now that we’ve established a timelinefor mourning, let’s talk about what you should do after the fact, which is spend timewith your friends.

breakups are one of those times where youcan and should lean on your friends to support you can also count on them to keep you busyand distract you from thinking about the breakup. that said, this is is also a great time tomake new friends. take a step out of your social circle andmeet new people in new places. sign up for hobbies and activities that involvemeeting others, and be the one who makes the move by introducing yourself. you never know who you may meet. however, if there’s one person you shouldn’tbe friends with at this time it’s your ex. now i know this can be tough, especially ifyou were best friends at one point, but believe

me, being friends with your ex right now isn’tgoing to help you. in fact, it’ll work against you if you’retrying to get over him. the reason why being friends with your exis such a bad idea is because you’re vulnerable right now. you don’t want to do or agree to anythingyou’ll regret, so avoiding your ex at this time is for the best. in the future you may be able to have a friendshipwith him, but for the time being keep your distance. my next tip is one that i’ve already brieflytouched on, but i can’t stress how important

it is, and that’s to keep busy! do whatever you can to stay busy for the firstcouple of weeks after you break up. even if you don’t feel like going out withyour girlfriends, it’s important that you do. why? because it’s the best thing you can do toget your mind off your ex. sure, taking up new hobbies, meeting new people,and chasing life dreams can be scary, especially when you’re used to your old routine, butuse this opportunity to “reset” your life. whether you sign up for some new classes ordo the eat pray love thing, take this solo

time to become who you want to be. it sounds cliche, but think about how manytimes you’ve thought about trying something new but didn’t because it interfered withyour relationship or other plans. now is your chance to follow your dreams. well that just about does it for this video,thanks so much for watching. as always, if you have any questions or feedbackplease feel free to post those in the comments section below. i always love hearing from you and i’lldo my best to respond to each of you. also, if you could please do me a big favourand show your support by subscribing to my

channel here on youtube i’d really appreciateyour support. for more help with your breakup and your lovelife in general, my website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… the url is,and that’s where you can also find my contact info and details about my 1-on-1 skype coachingservices. thanks again for all your support ladies…good luck, i’ll see you again soon!


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