how to heal broken heart

how to heal broken heart

hello my friend. today's practice will helpaid in healing a broken heart. it will help to lift a heavy heart by nourishing the physicaland emotional and spiritual body pertaining to your heart space. we'll start in extendedchild's pose nice and easy. rest your forehead on the mat and knees nice and wide. stretch your fingertips up and just beginto relax in that heart space. the name of the game today really is unconditional love.and i support you in your practice and i encourage you to give yourself permission to just feelwhatever the heart feels like today. sometimes we must come a little closer to the heartache,step into it and feel it with a certain openness and maybe a softness or tenderness. take thistime for you.

you might gently rock the head a little sideto side. you might call an intention into your practice, maybe it's just that unconditionallove, forgiveness, courage. and take your intention with you and we'll lift up to allfours for a little cat cow. so definitely move softly in and out of things today. youcan keep the eyes close and i'll do my best to guide you with my voice. begin to tap into the breath. you might askyourself what kind of breath or breathing today will bring your heart peace. deep breaths,soft breaths, fire breaths, ujjayi breaths. begin to stretch your body, maybe you shakethe hips a little side to side. you might crawl the toes under or you might come forward.

so we begin to improvise from that cat cowand check in. continue to deepen the breath, and without any strict rules or obligationshere we'll just explore the body, expanding awareness, maybe stretching the calves ifthey're sore. checking with the neck, the jaw. and then when you're ready, we'll walkthe palms out and crawl the toes under and come into a nice downward facing dog. pedal it out and then melt your heart back.again, ask yourself what kind of breath will bring your heart peace here. then when you'reready, we'll take a nice slow walk up towards the front edge of the mat. forward fold. walk the feet and hip with the part here.keep it soft to bend in the knees. and then

find what feels good. close your eyes, youcan walk the fingertips left to right. you can grab the elbows rock a little side toside. breath into the lower back body, then release the arms. and when you're ready, inhalelift to that flat back position. tend to yourself. hug the ribs in, draw the shoulders away,elbows back. find strength as you lengthen to the crown of the head. careful not to lockthe knees. on an exhale, slide it down. let's try it again, inhale. halfway lift, use yourbreath out to float it down. and then we'll continue just a couple more times in yourown time. palms can be on the shins or even fingertips on the mat. you can mix and matchthis and move with your breath. then we'll walk the feet together. and inyour own time, slowly roll up. come all the

way to standing. feel the soles of your feeton the earth as you lift up through the center channel. lift your heart and begin to openup softly through the neck. draw circles with the nose. nod the head. then we'll draw thepalms together at that heart space. lift your sternum to your thumbs. relax yourshoulders down and remember your intention. your practice has your back, you can leaninto it, you can trust it. ready, here we go. using the breath, we'll begin to findthe soft bend in the knees. and when you're ready, inhale reach the arms all the way upand overhead full body stretch. on the exhale, bend your elbows, open yourheart and thumbs back. good, inhale reach it up and exhale all the way down forwardfold. inhale halfway lift, exhale bow. inhale,

reach for the sky press into your feet. exhale,bend the elbows and thumbs back. inhale, reach it up. exhale, hands to heart. beautiful.inhale, reach it up. again, exhale. open your heart, bend the elbowsand thumbs back. inhale, reach for the sky. exhale fold. inhale, halfway lift and movewith your breath. exhale fold. then take your time, we'll step both feet back to come toa plank. stimulating all the [notties 00:07:12], the energetic systems in the body, pressingaway from the earth. pressing away from your yoga mat with your palms. then keep the knees lifted or you can lowerthe knees here. walk the wrist underneath the shoulders and we'll pull the elbows back.come on to the belly and inhale. open your

heart in cobra. now we'll find a little wavein the spine here moving with the breath. and then we'll curl the toes under, pressup strong to that plank, you got it. and then to downward facing dog. inhale, lift the right leg up high. use anexhale to open up through that right hip. maybe move the right toes ankle around. andthen we'll squeeze the right knee up and in towards the heart shifting up into our lunge.lower the back knee, then we'll swim the fingertips around to interlace behind the tail. stack front knee over front ankle and liftyour heart. hug the inner thighs towards in bed line, you might sink a little deeper,you might not. breath into the lungs, then

release the arms back down. and we'll shiftthe hips back rocking onto the right heel, right toes up towards the sky. then rolling through back to our lunge, we'llplant the palms and step it back to plank. find your breath, take a vinyasa here or feelfree to skip it and go straight to downward facing dog. in down dog, we'll take a deepbreath in and lift the left leg up high. open it up for one breath here. then when you'reready, bend that left knee and squeeze it up and in towards your heart center. step it up into your lunge, lower the backknee and check it out. pull the left hip crisp back when you're ready, interlace the fingertipsbehind. we work on balance and stability here.

we keep the heart lifted, the neck long. findplaces to lift but also places to ground. then gently release and we'll pull it backcoming on to the left heel. beautiful. then shifting back to your lunge. we'll step itback to plank and take that vinyasa. move through it, breath into it. downward facingdog. from here we can repeat the slow walk up towardsthe front that we did before or we can bend the knees generously and hop up towards thefront. inhale halfway lift, exhale fold. inhale, reach up towards the sky. exhale, bend theelbows and thumbs back. inhale reach, exhale hands to heart. here we go, inhale reach itup. exhale, bend the elbows and thumbs back. inhale reach, exhale fold.

inhale halfway lift, exhale soft and thenbow. step or hop it back to plank. take your vinyasa or skip it. together we'll meet indownward facing dog. inhale, lift the right leg up high. exhale, step up into your lunge.lower the back knee, take your time really building from the ground up supporting yourself.then take just a moment to interlace the fingertips, open your heart. then we'll reach the fingertipsforward up and back. big breath in. exhale and bend the elbows, thumbs back. inhale,look up and reach. exhale, bending the elbows. inhale lift, exhale surrender. inhale lift,exhale fold. awesome. coming back to child's pose. notice how youfeel. remember, sometimes we must come closer to it and really feel it with the tendernessand an openness so that we can process and

find what feels good. stay in child's posea little longer if you like. otherwise, we'll make our way back to down dog. optional vinyasahere, shifting our weight forward. moving through and we'll meet in downward dog. on a big breath in, lift the left leg up high.exhale, step it up into your lunge. lower the back knee. find your foundation, interlacethe fingertips and open the chest. then when you're ready, reach the fingertips up in overhead.on an exhale, bend the elbows, thumbs back. inhale, reach it up. squeeze the inner thighstogether. exhale, open. inhale, reach, lengthen. exhale, open. soft neck. inhale, reach itup. and exhale, flow it down. awesome. step the back to meet the front. take yourforward fold. then inhale halfway lift. exhale

bow. this time we're going to slowly inchthe feet out so that we can drop the hips down into a yoga squat. so in yoga we talkabout how we store a lot of emotions in the hips. so just notice. you can sit up on a block or you can drawthe palms together. the heels can be lifted or lower. we get down low here. and we tryto even in this deep yoga squat. breath deep and somehow, someway lift our hearts, openour hearts. stay in the yoga squat or take a moment toplay here. i'm going to do a little handstand play. reminding myself to smile, to maybeturn my perspective upside down. you do whatever it is that you want here something playfulor maybe just staying in that squat still

with the breath. and after a couple of momentsof smiling or playing or whatever it is you're feeling. we'll come to a nice seated position. go ahead and bring the soles of the feet togetherand the knees nice and wide, baddha konasana. interlace the fingertips around the toes,ground down and lift your heart up. inhale in, exhale lion's breath tongue out. repeatthat if it feels good, nice cleansing breath. and then we'll take it into a gentle forwardfold. we connect with your breath as you slowlyroll up. we'll transition to all fours, take your time. when you're ready, go ahead andextend the right leg out long here. walking the palms forward a little bit. then we'llbring that right knee all the way up and in.

coming into a one legged pigeon shape here.rolling up through the spine and then go ahead and rock on to your right hip here. keep abrightness in the right foot as you reach your fingertips towards the front left cornerof your mat. stay connected to the top of the back footand breath. then slowly we'll lift back up, curl the back toes under and comeback to allfours. and we'll repeat on the other side. extending the left leg out this time, cominginto that one legged pigeon shape and finding your foundation. lifting up through the heartand breath, breath, breath. and then shifting on over towards the left hip. fingertips reachingout towards the front right corner of the mat. you may rest on the forearms here. breath.

life is good. your yoga practice has yourback. gently unravel, curl the back toes under. come to all fours. and we'll inhale reachthe right fingertips forward. exhale, bring them in underneath the bridge of the leftarms. we'll coming into a little twist here for the upper back body. the left hand mightreach up towards the front edge of your mat or maybe up towards the sky. close your eyesand breath. use an exhale to gently unravel and then repeatthe same thing on the other side. this time with the left fingertips going in underneaththe bridge of the right arm. close your eyes, find what feels good and breath. use an exhale to gently unravel. come backto plank and take one final vinyasa. strengthening

and moving through it. in downward facingdog, take a deep breath in and a long exhale out through the mouth. repeat a couple oftimes. and we'll slowly lower the knees, cross the ankles and come through to flat back. bring the hands behind the thighs and beginto rock, front to back a couple of times. here massaging the spine, maybe the toes touchbehind, maybe not. stick with your breath. your breath is an amazing tool. stick withthe self love here, the good vibes. and notice how you feel. we'll get situated on the mat, bring the kneesup. left hand to heart, right hand to belly. walk the feet out towards the edge of yourmat so that your knees can fall in gently

together. the belly softens, the ball of thepelvis softens. and you can close your eyes here. here we take some deep expensive meditativebreaths, feeling the belly, feeling the lungs. feeling the heart center with our breath. me and my friend, you might feel a littleemotion here. you might bring your right hand up over your head. you might begin to softenthe breath and just give thanks for this moment. then slowly we'll begin to shift to one sideusing the bottom arm as a pillow. we come into fetal position. embryo pose, our firstyoga position ever. a pose of comfort, of love. it's an honor practicing with you and sharingthe tools of yoga. thank you for sharing your

heart with me and for allowing me to sharemine with you. take good care. namaste.


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