how do you deal with breakups

how do you deal with breakups

namaste, welcome to today’s hindi video.thank you all for joining me for my hindi video today. i hope your month went well. i was waitingkeenly to make a hindi video for you all. first of all, i thank you all to comment verynice things about my previous hindi videos and those who sent me personal emails and messages; i likedknowing about you and thoughts. i tried replying to as many emails i can, and if i haven’t repliedsome of you yet then i am going to reply you soon.

so we will start here by today’s hindi video. you all have told me to make videos on somany personal topics that i sometimes worry about how to make it and topics get very serious becausepeople suggest me serious topics. even today, i have got one topic like that,which will tell about “how to deal with break-up”, that means, it your relation is broken then how will youdeal with it. love, betrayal and break-up are all smalland common things in life, but few people cannot deal with it

and they even try to spoil their life. orelse, sometimes people don’t have anybody to talk to, to share their sorrows, especially in our indian societywhere love is not accepted so openly. and, not just in indian society, every country has differentculture and people. so our real lives are very different than whatever we see in movies. i know how difficult it is to talk to someone,to know them and to share your personal emotions and

thoughts. in today’s video i will tell you some tipswhich can help you get over your breakup. 1. so first point is, when your breakup happens,let it happen. because if your relation has been broken up and then you think that “oh god,when he/she will text me, when he/she will call me, when we will roam around, when we will havethose lovely talks, when will everything turn out to be fine…”

oh god, please understand, when a breakuphappens, it happens, it has no reason to it. many people think that why it happened, what wronghappened, i will make it right, what wrong did i do, i will say sorry, don’t breakup withme…blah blah blah!!! so i wanted to tell you that when your relationshave broken up, accept it. let it go. accept it that your break up has happened, it is a normalthing. there are many things that go on trial anderror basis. you cannot control any person

and you cannot manually operate, they are not can’t control their lives. if they want to break up with you then letit happen. it is a normal thing. if your relation is not working, then it is normal thing that it’snot working. people leave it. 2. secondly, after your breakup, which isvery important that, if you are filled with too much anger, emotions, too many thoughts which you can’tvent out or talk in front of them because they

don’t want to give you a chance or don’twant to talk or listen, then talk to someone you trust and share your feelings, who won’t judgeyou after sharing and will give proper advices. so it is very important that whatever thoughts,whatever you think are inside you or whatever that has happened, get some second opinionabout this and get point of view from a wise person not any stupid person who will giveyou a wrong direction. so it is very important to talk to the right person whom you trust and whowill give you right advice. after breakup everyone feels like crying asi really feel like crying and breakup is something

which...if your relation is something whichdeals with small trivial breakup-patch up, then its fine. but when real breakup happens where everythingis over and nothing is going to happen in future and when you are really angry and feellike breaking stuff, crying…. do it, i will suggest you do it. because of that whatever emotionsare there inside you will come out and if you feel like breaking the stuff given by them, thenbreak it.

take out all the anger on that gift whichthey gave you, because of that you won’t harm yourself as you have broken a gift… it’s just amaterialistic thing. so after breakup, there is no point in keeping them with you which will make youthink about them. so either talk to someone or else take outyour anger. and if you want to cry, cry it out in bathroom, closed room as obviously we don’twant to cry in front of anyone, because i never do

that either. i just go cuddle a pillow orcover myself up with a blanket and cry. so if you feel like crying then go at somecorner and cry. so whenever you come out of that phase you will feel better. 3. third very important point is that youshould love yourself. in life, in any phase, in any age, in any kind of nurturing relationship, it isvery important to love yourself. so if someone has behaved badly with you, or tries to controlover your life, or tries to manipulate you

according to them, or if things are not going properlyaccording to what you have thought of, whatever ups and downs come up, don’t forget to loveyourself. in my case, if something breaks or if i don’tget a promotion in my job or if i don’t get love in return from my relationships with my friend,family or husband or anyone, that doesn’t mean that you should get saddened by that.

you can still go to salon, get your makeoverdone, and take care of your skin, beauty and yourself. if you like watching movies, shopping,roaming around, watching tv, being alone, whatever you feel like doing it, do it. don’tever stop loving yourself even if it a breakup. in-fact i will suggest that whenever you gothrough a break, try self-grooming and make yourself happy so that when your ex sees you then he/sheshould feel that why did i breakup with him/her. 4. next point is that, if your breakup hashappened and after some time when you have controlled

your anger and emotions and you have finallybroken up with them and have moved ahead with your life then don’t keep any kind of grudgesfrom your side towards them, whatever they think or tell, let it be, but from your side don’tkeep any hatred inside you or feel like don’t want to look at them ever. don’t keep such thoughts in your mind becauseyour energy will turn into a negative energy which will stop you from moving ahead whichimpacts everything which you are planning to do

in future. so it is very important that youstop thinking about your ex, neither should you keep any enmity nor love. it should be none ofour business to keep them in your mind and neither have you known them, keep it that way. 5. next point is that, when breakup happens,it is very important to know, yesterday your break up happened and next day you will be happy rightaway, ha-ha he-he, it’s not going to happen like

that. you are really broken after your relationshipbreaks. so give yourself some time. it’s not going to be like you will wipe away your tearsand present yourself as a happy person; if you look at your mirror and your eyes won’tbe swollen; or your face won’t be dull; or you will be very stable in your mind…. it doesn’thappen like that, it takes time. so give yourself some time. it’s nothinglike after breakup, someone has left you so your life is

over or your old golden days won’t comeback. give yourself some weeks or months and will see that there is a long route to goin life. 6. after breakup, it is very important tokeep yourself positive. so, in this internet world, listen to something positive. give less time to listeningsad songs. listen if you feel like but when have decided you want to come out of thisthen don’t listen to it. listen to some romantic love songs or else read, listen and see somethingwhich is positive and which gives you a better thought about your future. watch somethingcomedy, it can make you feel way better.

7. next point is that, after your breakup,keep in mind that, when you were with them, have they given you any clues which made you feel thatyour relationship isn’t perfect. definitely you are sad and you wanted it towork out, but when you were in that relation, there must be something which you thought is wrongor your expectations haven’t met; or you already had some intuitions that somethingis going wrong in your relationship. think about it and realize that these things haven’t occurredright away, that person might have been already

behaving that way with you or might be thatsomething was wrong in your relation which ended up in breakup. so realize these things, acceptit and move on. so i hope you all liked this video. if youlike this video, then please give it a thumbs-up and share it in your whats-app, social media or withfriends dealing with breakup. if you have any more requests for hindi video which i will makeit next month or in coming months then do comment

below. i really like it when i read your commentsand i really enjoyed making this video  i would like to make videos on some interesting topics,instead of personal lives. if you have any suggestions or any interesting topics you want to listento then do comment  i will see you in my next video. bye bye  extra shots:

next point i want to tell you when you arebroken up is that, try to make yourself strong by thinking about something which you didn’t like or hated it about them suchas if your boyfriend or girlfriend wears some clothes, sandals,shoes or eating habit which always annoys you. it happens sometimes that if you are sittingand eating with someone and they make noises, which annoy you, so think of it and thinkwhatever things about them which troubled you. so to make yourself happy and come out of it, thinkthat you don’t have to deal with it anymore.

last point which i want to tell you is that every relationship isn’tsame. everybody has different type of relations. so if you came out of suchrelationship where you suffered depression, sadness, suicidal thoughts, or something whichmight harm you then it is very important to consult a therapist and don’t think that you have gone mad and what will othersthink of you. don’t think that you can deal with it yourself if your situationis too serious where life threatening thoughts come into your mind thenit is very important to consult an therapist

talk to them and see what advices they giveyou. i hope you liked this video. this is veryserious topic, why do you guys ask me to make videos on serious topics. i think how to make it asthese are very sensitive topics but i do enjoy sharing videos. so if you want any hindi videos in next monththen comment it below and give it a thumbs-up, and subscribe to my channel  and i loveyou all so much. namaste..!!!


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