how to heal after a break up

how to heal after a break up

hello, have you ever wondered how to heala broken heart after a breakup? this is no easy task. but, i'm dr. felicia and i'm hereto give you a few tips on how to do that. for one thing you want to indulge yourselfin things that you like and surround yourself by supportive family and friends who understandthe situation. the other thing you want to do is try to embellish some of the good partsof that relationship and try to make some senses to why it actually broke up. it's reallyhard to be honest and look inside ourselves and say, "okay, what did i do to contributeto this breakup", if anything, maybe nothing, but, it's good for you to take a look at thatand analyze it. the other thing you want to do is also, your response may differ, whetheryou're, what we call an internal directed

person, perhaps you think about it a lot,you're going to, you're going to internalize it, you're not going to speak to your friends,you're just kind of go and go quiet walks on the beach, process that information byyourself. or, you maybe what we call externally driven, where you need to throw yourself ina lot of activities and laughter and jokes. i would strongly recommend laughter is thebest medicine. if you can get through the breakup and eventually time does heal that some of those raw wounds will heal in time. remember everyone does survive breakupsand usually by the time you're in your 20's and 30's, you've already had your share ofhigh school breakups. so you should be somewhat condition to that process. you will heal,you will get over this and with that in mind,

remember how you go about healing from thebreakup, healing your broken heart, depends on you making conscious efforts to stay activeand busy. right? good luck. dr. felicia here, goodbye.


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