how can you mend my broken heart

how can you mend my broken heart

is there a supernaturaldimension? a world beyond the one we know? is there life after death? do angels exist? can our dreams contain messagesfrom heaven? can we tap into ancient secretsof the supernatural? are healing miracles real? sid roth has spent over 35 yearsresearching the strange world of the supernatural.

join sid for this edition ofit's supernatural! sid: hello. sid roth here. welcome to my world where it'snaturally supernatural. i'm so excited about this show. my guest is going to teach youthe missing message of jesus. it's there. it is in the gospels. but it's missing today, and thatis jesus came to heal the broken

hearted. and you see, you can't geteverything god promises to you if you have a broken heart. and it's my conviction in abroken world with a broken devil, with broken people, howdo you expect to have a healed heart unless jesus heals yourheart. now have you ever felt thatsomething is wrong and you don't know what it is. what a frustrating feeling.

that's what happened to myfriend john mcternan. john, what was going on in yourlife? you're a believer. you're speaking before people. you're not supposed to have aproblem, but you do. what's your problem? john: sid, it's internal andit's kind of hard to explain. but i felt a drag side. i felt like a car going down theroad on the interstate at 65

miles an hour at all sorts ofpower, speed, and yet it was holding back. there was a power drain insideof me. i could feel it. i knew something was wrong. i had brought it before the lordfor many, many years, and it just sat there. it didn't go. i had no idea what it was.

sid: okay. so one day he's minding his ownbusiness, listening to a radio program and the light bulb wenton. what happened? john: there was a woman beinginterviewed about, she was a psychologist, christianpsychologist, and she's being interviewed by her research onchildren of divorce and how every one of them, virtuallyevery one of them had a broken heart, and it affected themwhere the developed loneliness.

that was an outstanding trait ofa broken heart of a child from a divorced family. and it was like, bingo, myparents were divorced. i didn't even know themtogether. they were divorced before icould remember. and i began to think, and i'msaying, broken heart, maybe that's what i have. and i sought the lord about it,and i prayed, and at that point, i didn't know i had a brokenheart.

and if you, sid, had come to melike let's say years before that and you said, "john, i didn'tknow you had a broken heart," i would go, how? how would it be broken? i had no idea at all. and when i sought the lord sid:you know, i'm reminded the bible says, "the heart is the mostdeceitful thing." here he is a believer with abroken heart and he's so programmed to operate with thatbroken heart he doesn't even

know it's broken. john: that's exactly right, sid. that's exactly right. so i knew luke 4:18. and in luke 4:18, that is theministry of jesus christ. and we all know that he came tosave us from sin. right? sid: of course. john: but it doesn't end there.

when you look at luke 4:18, itsays, "and he came to heal the broken hearted, to deliver thecaptives, to open the eyes of the blind and to set at libertythem that are bruised." we stop right at the salvationmessage. but if you look in the bible,there's a semi-colon, and right after it, it says, "the lordcame to heal the broken hearted." sid: there are many other areasthat some have had a broken heart of.

i mean, a divorced home, that'senough. but there are a lot of otherareas, like what? john: sid, rejection, especiallywith children. i have come to see it's mucheasier than we realize to break a child's heart. their heart is very tender andit's very easy to break a child's heart. but rejection, death. death can really break a heart.

i have found with women,abortion, devastating with breaking the heart. physical abuse, sexual abuse,the military with men, women in the military now also. but that, what they see and whathappens can break their heart. we call it like post-stress, youknow, the trauma and much of that is really a broken heart. sid: but you know what? just the peer pressure of ayoung child going to school and

maybe they're not so pretty, andmaybe they hear someone laughing at them, they say nothing. but in a child's mind, that'senough to do it. so what was the revelation youhad when you started praying? john: my mother had remarried. now there is no way on my own icould remember this, because we're going back now to when iwas six years old. and my stepfather, i don'tthink, i know he didn't do this to be malicious.

but he approached when i wasabout six years old about being adopted, and i had no idea whathe was talking about. sid: you thought he was yournatural father? john: no, no. i had, my father would come andvisit me, and he was a good friend. i knew him as joe. i didn't call him dad oranything. and my stepfather wanted toblock out my father from coming,

and he talked to me aboutadoption. i had no idea what he wastalking about. finally, it dawned on me. i had like a revelation that joewas my father and this man was my stepfather. and i remember i said to him...child: when my name change, can i still see joe? man no, you'll have my name. child: no.

my name john mcternan. john: and i knew right then andthere the whole thing opened up. i understood perfectly at sixyears old and i knew if i told my father he would protect mefrom what was going on. it was a complete revelation,but it broke my heart. sid: hold that thought. when we come back, we're goingto find out what god did that so changed his life, that peopledon't even recognize him. he doesn't even recognizehimself after his heart is

healed by god himself. but better than that, how abouthaving your broken heart healed. don't go away. we'll be right back to it's supernatural! we now return to it's supernatural! sid: i mean, what a devastatingthing. a young boy, the one that's beenwith him his whole life that he thinks is his father and he knewhis natural father, but he didn't know him as "father".

and his father brings him, inthe basement and tells him the truth. how old were you? john: i figured about six. sid: at six, what affect did ithave on you? john: from that moment on i didnot want to live with my mother and my stepfather. i wanted to be with my dad. and it brought in, it developedthat spirit of loneliness was

deep with me. i had, it was a supernaturalspiritual loneliness. it brought a feeling ofrejection in. it actually brought fear into mebecause i remember i was afraid he would try that again. and i never was, from that dayon, i was never comfortable in the family. and it devastated me inside as alittle six year old. and that was that problem.

it broke my heart at six and itcarried over when i came to believe in the lord jesuschrist. you have the revelation that youhave a broken heart. you now realize when ithappened. john: yes. sid: you know exactly. what did you do about it? john: i cried out to the lord toheal my heart. and sid, it took me with thelord about two or three weeks of

prayer. and i can remember laying in bedat night with tears rolling down out of my eyes with this feelingof loneliness and emptiness, and it got to the point where irealized then that i know why a spouse will die like within ayear after a spouse passes away. sid: i've noticed that pattern. john: that loneliness, that'swhat i actually felt. it felt like i was dying. that's how severe it was.

and then i cried out and i said,"lord, if i die over this then i go to be with you, but i'mstaying and i'm believing you're going to heal my heart." and literally, i could feelrelief. it like came like that. it just came like up and out. sid: it sounds easy, john. john: well those two weeks,three weeks leading up to it, for me, was not easy.

but the lord delivered. i began a whole new man. that emergency brake feelingcame off. sid: but what about that fear,the loneliness, the loneliness you explained, the rejection,what about those things? john: i began to see how ioperated in my life. one of the healing, one of theministries of jesus christ is to open the eyes of the blind. and all of a sudden i began tosee like now that my heart was

healed actions that i did toprotect that heart, and also the way i interacted with peoplewith the fear of rejection and not wanting to be rejected, andthings i said, and things. there was a whole completerevelation and i began to confess it to the lord and say,"lord, i'm not living with fear anymore." i didn't even know it was there. sid: i heard a man once say, godnever sets you free of your friends.

he sets you free of yourenemies. and he had no idea there was anenemy called fear. but this is the amazing thing. once the heart is restored thenthese other critters that are enemies, they literally have togo. john: that's right. sid: it's so wonderful. but tell me when the bible talksabout the ministry of jesus was to restore the broken hearted,what does the word "broken" mean

in hebrew? john: that's a real goodquestion. and it's actually hebrew andgreek really mean the same thing. it means a violent shattering. there's the word "violent". and it's like you have like thisglass here and i took it and i just didn't drop it, but i threwit down on the ground. sid: there would be no way torestore that.

john: it splinters apart andthat is what the bible describes as a broken heart. and sid, there is nothing humanon this earth that can heal a broken heart. it can only be, it'ssupernatural, it can only be healed by jesus christ. that's his ministry. sid: tell me about the womanwith ulcerated colitis. john: well what happened, sid,is when my heart was healed, all

of a sudden i would come incontact with people and in my mind i would hear, i would lookat you for example and i'd hear "broken hearted, brokenhearted". and i would go up to you verypolitely, i just didn't yell at you. i'd say, "excuse me, but ibelieve the lord is telling me you have a broken heart." and people would start cryingand it was amazing. the lord is putting peopleacross my path who need to be

ministered to. so this ministry started todevelop, just happened when i'd see instant results. sometimes the results would takea while, but instant results. and this one woman had apowerful spirit of rejection. it happened when she was aboutfive or six years old, just like you mentioned, rejected by kids,and all her life this rejection just continued. she had two husbands that lefther and they liked divorced her

on a friday, and then marriedanother woman on a monday. and that, she was just, she hada like self-hatred of herself. and when i ministered to herabout the broken heart it was very hard for her to receivethat god loved her because of her broken heart. even though she believed in thelord, i know that this sounds weird, but that's what happenswith a broken heart. jesus was her savior. but the reality of calling god,abba father, she couldn't do it.

she said, "i can't do it." it took a couple prayersessions. and she ulcerated colitis whereabout four or five years she was in the final stage of it. i mean, it was critical. she was anemic, bleedingseverely. finally, she broke through withabba father, her heart was healed and that point myministry, now what i do is if someone has physical issues,when i pray with them for a

broken heart, we also pray forthe physical issue. because a lot of times thephysical issue is caused by the broken heart, the fear andanxiety, and tension. so we prayed and her ulceratedintestines were healed right there on the spot. sid: once the heart is healed,the emotions get healed. the physical body gets healed. sid: john has even gone intomental institutions in hopeless cases.

one of the most hopeless casesthey had in a mental institution was her heart was healed, shewas healed. but i'll tell you what, i wantyou to pray a supernatural prayer with john, because thisis what he found out. the gift is growing. the same thing happened with me. i started laying hands on peopleand they got physically healed. then i started speaking it, noteven laying hands, and they got just as healed.

i'll have him pray for you whenwe come back. we'll be right back toit's supernatural! we now return toit's supernatural! sid: now we find out in thebible amazing supernatural blessings that god has given toabraham. but there's a tie-in between aheart being broken and receiving these supernatural blessings. there is, like with john, thereis a disconnect and many people don't understand this.

explain that. john: when our heart is healed,it puts us in a new relationship with god. it's like when you have anearthly father and you're afraid of him for whatever reason, youshy back, you're afraid to talk to him, you're afraid to askhim. well with a broken heart, thatcan carry over towards our attitude. and god tells us to call him"abba father".

and those attitudes towards anearthly father, we can project towards god. but he's not like that towardsus. so a broken heart can break thefeeling, or block the feeling of how much god loves us, how muchhe wants to bless us, and also the ministry of lord jesus is toopen the eyes of the blind. so once our heart is healed,sid, it's a progression. salvation, healing of the heart,setting the captives free, opening the eyes of the blindand then setting at liberty them

that are bruised, it's aprogression of what god does in our life. so when our heart is healed andwe're set free, all of a sudden there's no blockage between usand abba father, and we believe that he'll bless us then. sid: so very briefly, will youtell me, i mean, john gets calls from people that have loved onesin mental institutions. tell me about one. john: a friend of mine asked meto minister to his sister who

was believer, and she has beenin and out of the psychiatric ward for severe depression. she had been there, she's in her60's, she had been in there now for three months. and didn't know she was in therefor three months. sid: how bad was the depression? john: the doctor said it was theworst he's ever seen. they were thinking ofpermanently institutionalizing her.

when i visited her and i lookedat her, sid, if you could see depression, that was her. i mean, you could like cut it ortouch her with depression. and there's a bible right nextto her. so i began to talk to her andshe said, "i've been prayed over and so many people prayed overme, and i've gone to christian psychologists." i said, "did anyone ever prayfor you for a broken heart?" and she went like this and shesaid, "no, never."

i said, "that's the problem." terry was her name. so we got into her background. when she was 16 years old shehad a child out of wedlock. the child died and it rupturedher family, relationship with her family that destroyed herinside, and she went on a path of rejection and depression intothe psychiatric ward. so we prayed and she forgavewhat happened, she believed the baby died because of what shedid.

then she believed god punishedher by taking the baby. she had a grudge towards god. she had to forgive herself. she had to forgive her parents. when that all came and then weprayed, sid, the greatest, for me personally, i think miracle ihad ever seen, her continence changed. she had this glow to the pointwhere people in the psychiatric ward were saying to her, "whathappened to you?

you look so different." my friend said to me, "you didlike a magic act. his name was john." i said, "what are you talkingabout?" he said, "that's not my sister." he goes, "i don't know who sheis." he goes, "i've never seenanything like this from the depression to the joy." and they released her from thehospital, and she now is leading

a normal life. the whole problem was a brokenheart. will you pray as god instructsfor those that are watching, because i know that this is whatyou've been crying out to god for. father, we come before you inthe awesome name of jesus. and lord, we bring the listenersbefore you and the key on their part is forgiveness, to forgivethose that broke their heart, forgive themselves and maybepossibly we be reconciled with

you from a grudge. father, once that's done, i praynow that in the name of jesus you take that shattered, broken,splintered heart and put it together, make it solid, make itone according to your word, and bind it with the power and thelove of the holy spirit, never to be broken again. and bring the healing that comeswith that, father, the healing from fear and depression, andanxiety, and rejection where we can call you abba father andwalk in love with you.

and then, father, we ask for theflow as the heart is healed, lord, that issues like highblood pressure, heart problems, ulcerated colitis, lord,fibromyalgia, all sorts of things that are triggered by thetension inside, the anxiety inside, the fear inside, lord,that your natural healing virtue would flow through their bodies,and they be released and healed of these diseases and maladies. in jesus' name i ask. amen.

sid: amen. now i can tell this. there is a requirement in thekingdom. it came from our teacher, ourlord, the messiah of israel, jesus, the anointed one. and this is what he says: "iwill forgive you to the same degree, the same amount that youforgive other people." so how much do you want god toforgive you, 95 percent? you say, i don't feel like it.

i don't deserve it. doesn't count. meaningless. god says, if you confess yoursins he is just and faithful to forgive you of allunrighteousness and unforgiveness is a sin thatblocks the hand of god. unforgiveness is taking thearsenic you want your enemy to take. stop it.

come to your senses. it's an act of your will. it's not a feeling. it's not emotion. so don't tell me you can't doit. you can do it. you want to please the livinggod. there's no one else that youneed to please. please him.

tell him you choose to forgivethat person out loud in jesus' name and don't look back. and i'm going to tell yousomething. now does it mean you have totrust them? not until they earn it. but you can forgive them. i'm telling you, you can,because i have. and then ask jesus to forgiveyou of everything you've ever done and say, "jesus, i make youmy lord.

come inside of me. take over my life. i love you, lord." and then i pray that youexperience the tangible presence of the love of the livinggod, in jesus' name. sid: next week onit's supernatural! my guest was granted theprivilege to see the god of abraham, isaac and jacobspeaking to the messiah of israel about the end times.



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