hurting heart

hurting heart

*club music* 'excuse me, 'excuse me. sorry. sorry. coming through! i just need to... get sorry. i need to- just get around. okay. *crush* ow, my dick!!!! ow, oooo! owie!!!!

ow, my dick.... did you hurt my dick? was it you? it got hurt real bad just a minute ago over there on the dance floor! *cries* now it hurts real bad!!! did you hurt my dick?! -step off, dick! -no! i think someone stepped on it!!! was it you?! my dick got hurt real bad!!! you seem like the kind of guy that would hurt someone's dick!!!

-get up off my lady, bro, or i'll give you something to cry about! -i already have that! it's my dick and it hurts! that's why i'm crying already. my hurt dick... was it you?! did you hurt my dick? i promise i won't be mad if it was you, but you have to tell me... -what about your dick?! hey, this ain't that kind of club, bro!

get bent! -it's already bent! *cries* oooo!!! punch me anywhere but my dick! i don't think it could sustain another blow... *guy walks away* someone is this club hurt my dick and i'm having a hard time identifying them!! can you use your pa system to address the whole crowd at once and ask them who it was?! hey, hey!!! somebody hurt my dick!!!

-somebody hurt my dick!! ♫ *somebody hurt my dick remixed* -did you hurt my dick? ow, ow! my dick, ow! did you hurt my dick!? oooo, ow! was it you? i promise not to judge you too harshly. tell me. tell me!! *cries of pain in the distance*

-did you hurt my tits? did you hurt my tits? -did you hurt my dick? -did you hurt my tits? -it hurts real bad. if it was you, i promise i won't be mad. -i just need you to tell me... ooh, -hey, shut the fuck up!


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