how to fix a break up

how to fix a break up

if you’re trying to repair a long distancerelationship, then this video is for you, because i’m going to talk about how to winback your ex when he or she lives hundreds or even thousands of miles away. i’m brad browning, relationship coach andauthor of the ex factor, a guide to getting your ex back. if you’d like to see moreof my free videos or get in touch with me directly, please visit my website at ok, now, let’s talk about how to get yourlong-distance ex back…. the first thing you need to understand isthat being hundreds of miles away from your ex complicates things quite a bit comparedto a ‘normal’ situation. yes, you can

still get him or her back, and i’ve workedwith hundreds of clients in long-distance relationships that have successfully won backtheir ex…. but it’s usually easier if you live in the same city, so keep in mindthat, depending on the details of your specific situation, you may have a difficult road ahead. but, i don’t want to discourage you, becausethere are some things you can do in long-distance scenarios to help your cause. in this video,by the way, i’m only going to talk about long-distance relationships…. if you haven’talready, you should still consider watching my other videos -- especially the free full-lengthvideo presentation on my website -- to get details on the general principles and strategiesyou should be using to win back an ex.

now, where to begin will depend on how longits been since your breakup and how serious your relationship was. if it’s only beena few days or maybe a couple of weeks since the breakup, the first step is to go througha period of “no contact”. this means completely ignoring your ex for around a month or so.the point of this is to show your ex that you’re moving on, you’re not going towait around and hope that your ex changes his or her mind, and hopefully make your exthink that there’s tons of other people eager to take your ex’s place at your side. remember that, no matter how badly you wantto reach out to your ex and tell them how you feel and beg for another chance, theresimply aren’t any words that can change

your ex’s mind… especially if they livehundreds of miles away. attraction and romantic bonds are organic, natural things… you can’tmake your ex fall back in love with you using words, it has to happen on its own. during the no contact period -- and even afterthat, once you begin to talk with your ex again -- you should be using social media,mutual friends, and any other means at your disposal to subtly convey messages to yourex. for example, since you want your ex to think your life is great and you’re alreadyrecovered from the breakup, you might consider posting some photos of you and some friends(preferably friends of the opposite sex) on facebook. or, chat up a mutual friend andcasually mention that you’ve been dating

a few other people and that you’re reallyenjoying the single life. don’t make this attempt to incite jealousy or convey a messageto your ex obvious… it needs to be subtle. but it’s definitely important to let yourex know, subtly, how awesome your life is and how quickly you’re moving on. when it’s time to start talking to yourex again, i recommend beginning with a really casual, fun, and brief message (either textmessage, facebook message, skype message, even an email). in my ex factor guide program,i’ve included a ton of examples of messages you can send to your ex to get him or herthinking about…. so if you’re struggling to think of what to write your long-distanceex, you might find the program helpful…

you can sign up at my website, whatever you decide to say in your first message,keep it really short (no more than a few sentences) and make sure it’s fun, upbeat, and interesting….try to be funny, reference and inside joke, or something like that. don’t try to bringup anything serious, don’t start any drama, and absolutely do not say pointless and uninterestingthings like “hey how are you” or “how’s life these days”.... you want to get yourex to remember how much fun life was when you were there to talk to them every day,and hopefully get a reply. that’s all you want from this first communication with yourex after the period of no contact. you’ll probably need to do this a few timesover the course of a month or so, making sure

that you keep the conversations funny andinteresting. depending on how your ex responds and how things go from there, it will hopefullyeventually lead to some curiosity and interest on your ex’s part, and help him or her letgo of some negative memories and forget the reasons they decided to break up with you. when you’ve done all this, the time willeventually come to either meet your ex in person, or arrange a skype call or facetimemeeting online with them. in-person is way better, but you should only ever visit yourex’s hometown if you have a legitimate excuse for being there… if your ex lives on theother side of the world and you don’t know anyone else in the area, then it will be waytoo obvious that you’re just trying to get

back together. that’s not what you want,so it’s always best to think of a legitimate excuse for being “in the area”, whichwill allow you to invite your ex out for coffee to “catch up” while you’re in town.if you have to use skype or an online web chat instead, then the same principles apply,but it’s going to be a lot more difficult. keep your meet short and sweet. make sureyou’re friendly, upbeat, and positive about your life. nobody wants to get back togetherwith a person who is depressed or unhappy, so make sure that you have a good job andthings are looking up (at least portray this to them). ask how their life is going, butmake it seem like there is nothing wrong in your life at the moment.

you also need to add a little bit of a sexualelement to it. no, don’t try and have sex with your ex... if the opportunity presentsitself, then you may want to do so as physical romance is important, but it’s unlikelyyou’re at that point yet. however, you’ll want to flirt a lot with your ex. hold eyecontact for a little bit longer. touch them a lot in a playful, flirtatious way. talkabout sexy things and maybe drop a ‘naughty’ inside joke or innuendo. if they’re beingreceptive to this, then really push it, but make it seem fun and do it almost in a jokingway. remember, you don’t want to be talking aboutthe problems you’ve had in your relationship in the past. talk about the now and talk aboutthe future, nothing else.

at the end of the day, you need to start buildingattraction again. after all, this is the essence and the backbone of relationships. so whenyou’re with your ex again, everything that you do must be focused on creating sexualattraction with him or her. that’s why in-person meetings with your ex will always be a lotbetter than online chats or phone calls. but, however you end up talking with your ex, rememberthat building attraction is the key to getting them to want you back… and you don’t buildattraction by talking about the past or bringing up old drama. attraction develops naturallywhen you’re having fun and you have good chemistry, so that’s the goal of all encounterswith your ex. what you do at this point will really dependon how the in-person meeting went, what your

ex’s current status is, and how easy itwill be for you and your ex to rekindle things. if you want to talk about your specific situation,please visit my website at where you can find my contact informationand send me an email… or use the comments below to ask a question and i’ll do my bestto respond. i really do urge you to try and stay realistic throughall of this… no long-distance relationship can survive indefinitely; there needs to bea light at the end of the tunnel where you and your partner will live together and betogether every day. and keep in mind that it’s a lot more appealing for your ex toget back together with you if you’re only an hour-long drive away… if an ocean andthousands of miles separate the two of you,

then your ex probably won’t be eager tostart over again knowing the same issues will continue to plague your relationship. that’s it for now…. i know there are manythings i wasn’t able to cover in this video, so please get in touch with me to chat can also subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos like this one. please alsoconsider clicking the like button if you found this video helpful, i really appreciate it. so thanks again for watching, and best ofluck! see you next time. if you and your long-distance partner havebroken up, things may seem fairly hopeless. you may be running out of ideas, and wonderingif it's even going to be possible to win him

or her back and remove that "ex" tag fromtheir status. granted, in some cases, it may be best to focus on moving on... but thereare a few things you can do to increase your odds of rekindling the romance and winningyour ex back, even when they live hundreds of miles away.first off, there's one very important thing you need to understand: you can't convinceyour ex to take you back. i know that you my desperately want to reach out to your exand tell them how much you still love them, and you may be tempted to beg for anotherchance... but trust me, there simply aren’t any words that can change your ex’s mind.that's especially true if they live hundreds of miles away. relationships and romanticattraction are natural, organic things…

you can’t make your ex fall back in lovewith you using words, it has to happen on its own. so no matter how badly you may wantto call and say sorry or tell your ex how much you miss them, that won't help your cause.where to begin the process of getting your long-distance girlfriend/boyfriend back willdepend on two things: how long its been since your breakup; andhow serious your relationship was. if it’s only been a few days or maybe acouple of weeks since the breakup, the first step is to go through a period of “no contact”.this means completely ignoring your ex for around a month or so. the point of this isto show your ex that you’re moving on, that you’re not going to wait around and hopethat your ex changes his or her mind, making

it appear as though there’s tons of otherpeople eager to take their place at your side. during the "no contact" period -- and evenafter that, once you begin to talk with your ex again -- you should be using social media,mutual friends, and any other means at your but it’s definitely important to let yourex know, in an "under the radar" manner, how great your life has been since the breakup,and how quickly you’re moving on. fun, positive, and brief message (a text message,social media message, skype message... even an email is ok). keep it really short (nomore than a few sentences) and make sure it’s fun, upbeat, and interesting…. whateveryou decide to say in your message to be funny, reference and inside joke, or something likethat. don’t try to bring up anything serious,

don’t start any drama, and don't say somethingdull and meaningless like "hey, what's up?"


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