how to heal a broken heart in 30 days

how to heal a broken heart in 30 days

hey guys! my name is lisa force and i’ma dating coaching and relationship expert. and this video is for guys only. today, i’mgoing to be talking about how to make your ex girlfriend come back to you. yes, thisis something that can be pretty tough depending on your situation, but if you use these little-knowntips and tricks, i’ll guarantee you that you’ll have the best chance possible ofgetting her back. and if you’re thinking to yourself…i’m just going to bookmarkthis video for later, then think again! the longer you wait around without the informationi’m about to teach you, then the greater risk you’ll face of losing your ex girlfriendto another guy. i know, it’s not a pleasant image, but you know it’s the truth. okay!so enough with that, let’s just jump right

into the nitty-gritty. step number one – recover.yes, after a breakup, things can get a little emotional, and that’s completely’s a natural human reaction, so don’t try and bottle up those feelings. embracethem for now. however, at the same time, you have to recover from the initial blow. why?well, for several reasons. first, you’re not in the best frame of mind to be speakingwith your ex! you both need time apart from each other. and trust me, if you want herto fall for you again, she needs time apart from you particularly. i’ll tell you whythis is extremely important in just a second. so how do you get over your ex girlfriend?well, there are a ton of things you can do to take your mind off her. number one, removeall reminders of her from your life. so if

you have pictures of her, if you have oldtext messages from her, or anything she bought you, just remove them from your sight. remindingyourself of her is only going to make your feel worse and is only going to prolong yourrecovery. second, hang out with your friends! yes, hanging out with your friends will forsure help you take your mind off things. so call up some buds and play some videogames.third, try focus on something productive, whether it is school, work, or the gym. justfind something meaningful and pour your heart and soul into it. you’ll be thankful youdid later on! and fourth, date other women! yes, i know this probably isn’t somethingyou want to do right now, however, there’s no better way to take your mind of your exgirlfriend than dating someone completely

brand new. plus, it’s fun! now this bringsme to step number 2… by the way, thank you so much for watching my video and it wouldbe super helpful if you could click the “like” button right below this video! and if youwant more breakup tips and tricks, subscribe to my youtube channel! i’m always releasingnew videos so click that button right now. okay, back to it. so step number 2 – isolateyourself from her! as i said before, you both need time apart. in fact, if you want herback, she needs more time than you do. so you’re probably thinking…lisa, i wanther back. why would not contacting her benefit me? well, it’s because you need your exgirlfriend to miss you… and that is the key to getting your ex girlfriend back. bymaking her miss you, you create an immense

amount of attraction – more attraction thanwords could ever provide at this point in time. so after the breakup, i advocate waitingat least 30 days until you contact your ex girlfriend. now, this is based on actual science;studies have proven that human beings reach a “peak” in emotional attraction after30 days of no contact. that means that right now, ignoring your ex girlfriend will makeher want you again. now, of course this is a very simplistic way to put it and there’sactually a complete method that teaches everything you need to know to get your ex girlfriendback. this video that teaches you this method is by a guy named brad browning – he’sa dating coach and the world’s best “breakup expert”, so if you want to learn more aboutmaking your ex miss you, then go to

that’s to watchhis breakthrough video presentation. step number three – set up a meet. now, don’tovercomplicate this step. all you’re doing is setting up a friendly meet. i put emphasison “friendly” here for a reason. this isn’t a romantic date or “sexy time”– so take a chill-pill for a second. break the ice with her and send a couple text messagesasking her questions about something. for example, say she went australia last yearand now you’re planning on going. you could send her something like, “oh hey, i’mactually going to australia next year and could use your advice on a couple time for a quick coffee?” if it sounds like that’s all you want, she’ll be extremelyreceptive to meeting up with you. now this

brings me to step number four – create attraction.before i get this step, i have to give you some bad news… your ex was lying when shegave you the reasons for the breakup. see, in an effort to protect your feelings, sheprobably said the old “it isn’t you, it’s me”…or something like that, right? well,i hate to break it to you, but if your ex girlfriend doesn’t want to be with you anymore,it’s because some level of emotional attraction has disappeared. in order to make her fallback in love with you, you need to build up this emotional attraction to the point whereshe literally has no choice and has to take you back. how do you do this? well, thereare several things you can do to begin creating large amounts of emotional attraction. numberone is jealousy. i know, it sounds a little

evil, but it really isn’t. women are emotionallyattracted to men that get a lot of girls. don’t make it too obvious, but if you makeit known to her that other women are chasing you, you’ll build immense amounts of emotionalattraction. if you go to and watch that video, brad browning will teachyou a ton of ways you can build emotional attraction. second, show her that you’vedone some self-improvement. for example, convey to her how well you’re doing at school orwork. tell her about all the new things you’ve learned and how much you’ve grown personally.and third, and most importantly, convey how happy you are with your life as it stands.don’t tell her you miss or you still love her, this will only push her away further.simply tell her life is good and that you’re

happy with the way things are going. see,a woman isn’t going to be attracted to you if you’re down in the dumps and depressed,so don’t try and guilt her into loving you. there’s nothing less attractive! what youneed to do is pull her in with positivity – flirt with her, touch her, and reallymake her feel that positive vibe one more. again, if you want to learn the complete systemon how you can make your ex girlfriend fall for you again, then hit up!so that’s all the time i have for you today! remember that i’m always releasing morevideos on how to get your ex back (among other relationship topics), so please click thelike and subscribe button right below this video! thanks, talk to you guys soon!


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