how to cope with a break up

how to cope with a break up

alright, we're going to talk now about someof the things that you will experience after a break up and how to deal with these thingsthat you're going through. the first thing that i want to talk about is depression. andwhat depression is, if you don't know is feeling really really deeply sad and down. and maybeyou start having thoughts like, i can't exist without this other person, i can't functionwithout this other person, my life is over, what's the point of going on anymore. theseare very very serious thoughts. now, a little bit of depression is probably normal withany break up. but when you start talking about severe depression, these states and thesethoughts; you don't want to get out of bed, you don't want to do anything and that continuesto go on and on, that's serious. and depression

can actually lead to very serious in the short term sense, that's o.k. in a long term sense, if after a break up youjust can't shake the depression, it's a really good idea to seek medical advice. that's nota bad thing. you know, go talk to somebody. you know, let them know what's going on beforeany of this depression gets any worse than it already is at this point.


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