how to get over your boyfriend

how to get over your boyfriend

this video is all about how to get your exback if you cheated on them. my name’s brad browning. i’m a relationship coach and theauthor of the ex factor, a comprehensive guide to winning back an ex. since you’re watchingthis video right now, i doubt i have to explain to you why cheating on the person you loveis a bad idea in the first place and that it can have serious consequences. you alreadyknow that, so i won’t preach about why you shouldn’t cheat on your boyfriend or reality, we’re all human and we all make mistakes from time to time. now that you’veaccepted the fact that your infidelity caused you the person you love, it’s time to talkabout how to get him or her back and start over.first thing, don’t deny it or fight your

ex about the cheating. after you cheated onyour partner, he or she is going to feel incredibly betrayed. they’re going to see you differentlyand they’re going to have a hard time loving you at the moment. accept that this is thecase and don’t fight with your ex about why you cheated, or who it was with, or howmuch you’re sorry. if he or she broke up with you, you’ll need to accept it and beginthinking about how to get them back. once you’ve accepted their feelings of betrayaland anger, cut off communication with your ex for a while. your ex needs time to putthe cheating behind you and to forget some of the hatred that your ex is probably feelingright now. also try to ignore your gut instinct to say sorry a million times and beg for forgiveness.even if you’re truly sorry, and hopefully

you are, telling it to your ex again and againwon’t help. once you’ve done it once, a few times, that’s enough. men, give yourex time and space while he or she begins to miss, be patient with your ex and wait until he or she is ready. let’s be’s going to take a long time to get back together with your ex after you’ve cheatedon him or her. it isn’t like any other breakup, it’s not as simple as other breakups, andthe time required for your ex to miss you and want to be with you again could be longerthan it would in other situations. so patience is key here. after this potentially lengthyperiod of your ex being angry and bitter at you, chances are your ex will actually startto miss you. accept full responsibility for

cheating on him or her. your ex may attemptto punish you by seeing other guys or girls, by trying to make you jealous, etc. don’tget angry, don’t give in, just accept the punishment for what it is and keep going.if your ex doesn’t know who you cheated on him or her with, that’s ideal. don’tgive your ex any more details than are absolutely necessary even if they ask for about starting over with your ex, after one partner cheats on another, their relationshipwill never be the same. the trust has been broken and although trust is something thatcan be built back up, it’s almost impossible to bring it back to the same level than itonce was at. if your ex chooses to forgive you and being a new relationship with you,it should be a fresh start and a new relationship.

wiping the slate clean and starting with astrong new foundation is the only healthy way to begin dating your ex again. promiseeach other that you’re going to move forward without looking back. your future relationshipwill always be marred by the scars of the past and that’s not good. if your partneris going to dig at those old wounds whenever he or she feels the need to get back at youfor something, chances are the two of you aren’t going to work out in the long best of luck during this difficult process. don’t get discouraged and keep at it untilyou finally have your ex back in your arms. if you need help with your situation or youwant to talk to me about the specifics of a unique scenario you’re facing, leave acomment below this video and i’ll do my

best to get back to you or visit my to get my contact info. and finally if you found this video helpful, pleasedo me a big favour and click the “like” button just below the video. i’m also releasingnew videos every week, so if you subscribe to my youtube channel for the latest videos,and yeah, that’s pretty much it for now. we’ll see you next time.


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